Sun Cluster 3.0 12/01 Software Installation Guide

Using SunPlex Manager to Install Sun Cluster Software

Note -

To add a new node to an existing cluster, do not use SunPlex Manager. Instead, go to "How to Install Sun Cluster Software on the First Cluster Node (scinstall)".

This section describes how to install SunPlex Manager and use it to install Sun Cluster software and establish new cluster nodes. You can also use SunPlex Manager to install one or more of the following additional software products.

The following table lists SunPlex Manager installation requirements for these additional software products.

Table 2-4 Requirements to Use SunPlex Manager to Install Software

Software Package 

Installation Requirements 

Solstice DiskSuite 

A 10-Mbyte partition that uses /sds as the file system name.

Sun Cluster HA for NFS data service 

At least two shared disks of the same size which are connected to the same set of nodes. 

Solstice DiskSuite software installed by SunPlex Manager.  

A logical hostname for use by Sun Cluster HA for NFS. The logical hostname must have a valid IP address that is accessible by all cluster nodes and is on the same subnet as the base hostnames of the cluster nodes. 

Sun Cluster HA for Apache scalable data service 

At least two shared disks of the same size which are connected to the same set of nodes. 

Solstice DiskSuite software installed by SunPlex Manager.  

A shared address for use by Sun Cluster HA for Apache. The shared address must have a valid IP address that is accessible by all cluster nodes and is on the same subnet as the base hostnames of the cluster nodes. 

The following table lists each metaset name and cluster file system mount point created by SunPlex Manager, depending on the number of shared disks connected to the node. For example, if a node has four shared disks connected to it, SunPlex Manager creates the mirror-1 and stripe-1 metasets, but does not create the concat-1 metaset because the node does not have enough shared disks to create a third metaset.

Table 2-5 Metasets Installed by SunPlex Manager

Shared Disks 

Metaset Name 

Cluster File System Mount Point 


First pair of shared disks 



Sun Cluster HA for NFS or Sun Cluster HA for Apache scalable data service, or both 

Second pair of shared disks 




Third pair of shared disks 




Note -

If the cluster does not meet the minimum shared disk requirement, SunPlex Manager still installs the Solstice DiskSuite packages. But without sufficient shared disks, SunPlex Manager cannot configure the metasets, metadevices, or cluster file systems needed to create instances of the data service.

SunPlex Manager recognizes a limited character set to increase security. Characters that are not a part of the set are silently filtered out when HTML forms are submitted to the SunPlex Manager server. The following characters are accepted by SunPlex Manager.


This filter will potentially cause problems in two areas.

How to Install SunPlex Manager Software

The SunPlex Manager graphical user interface (GUI) provides an easy way to install and administer Sun Cluster software. Follow this procedure to install SunPlex Manager software on your cluster.

Note -

If you intend to install Sun Cluster software by using another method, you do not need to perform this procedure. The scinstall command installs SunPlex Manager for you as part of the installation process.

Perform this procedure on each node of the cluster.

  1. Ensure that Solaris software and patches are installed on each node of the cluster.

    See the installation procedures in "How to Install Solaris Software".

  2. Become superuser on a cluster node.

  3. Install Apache software packages.

    The Apache software packages are included in the Solaris Entire Distribution software group and all higher-level software groups. If you installed a lower-level software group, use the pkginfo(1) command to determine whether the software packages in Step c are already installed. If they are already installed, go to Step 4.

    1. If you install from the CD-ROM, insert the Solaris 8 Software 2 of 2 CD-ROM into the CD-ROM drive of the node.

      If the Volume Management daemon vold(1M) is running and configured to manage CD-ROM devices, it automatically mounts the CD-ROM.

    2. Change to the /cdrom/sol_8_sparc/Solaris_8/Product directory.

      # cd /cdrom/sol_8_sparc/Solaris_8/Product

    3. Install the Apache software packages in the following order.

      # pkgadd -d . SUNWapchr SUNWapchu SUNWapchd

    4. Eject the Solaris CD-ROM.

    5. Install any Apache software patches.

      See the Sun Cluster 3.0 12/01 Release Notes for the location of patches and installation instructions.

  4. Install the SunPlex Manager software packages.

    1. If you install from the CD-ROM, insert the Sun Cluster 3.0 12/01 CD-ROM into the CD-ROM drive of the node.

      If the Volume Management daemon vold(1M) is running and configured to manage CD-ROM devices, it automatically mounts the CD-ROM on the /cdrom/suncluster_3_0_u2 directory.

    2. Change to the /cdrom/suncluster_3_0_u2/SunCluster_3.0/Packages directory.

      # cd /cdrom/suncluster_3_0_u2/SunCluster_3.0/Packages

    3. Install the SunPlex Manager software packages and answer yes for all prompts.

      # pkgadd -d . SUNWscva SUNWscvr SUNWscvw

    4. Eject the Sun Cluster CD-ROM.

  5. Repeat Step 2 through Step 4 on each node of the cluster.

  6. Is the root password the same on every node of the cluster?

    • If yes, go to Step 7.

    • If no, set the root password to the same value on each node of the cluster. If necessary, also use chkey(1) to update the RPC key pair.

      # passwd
      Enter new password
      # chkey -p

    The root password must be the same on all nodes in the cluster to use the root password to access SunPlex Manager.

  7. Do you intend to set up additional user accounts to access SunPlex Manager?

    Users who do not use the root system account nor have a user account set up on a particular node cannot access the cluster through SunPlex Manager from that node. Also, users cannot manage that node through another cluster node to which the users do have access.

  8. Determine how to set up user accounts to access SunPlex Manager.

    In addition to root-user access, users can log in to SunPlex Manager with a user account that has role-based access control (RBAC). Go to one of the procedures listed in the following table to set up user accounts.

    Table 2-6 Methods to Set Up SunPlex Manager User Accounts


    Go to This Procedure 

    Add RBAC authorization to an existing user account.  

    "How to Add RBAC Authorization to an Existing User Account"

    Create a new user account that has RBAC authorization. 

    "How to Create a New User Account"

    Note -

    If you assign RBAC authorization to a non-root user account, that user account can perform administrative actions usually performed only by root.

    See "Role-Based Access Control" in the Solaris System Administration Guide, Volume 2 for more information.

How to Add RBAC Authorization to an Existing User Account

Add RBAC authorization to an existing user account. This enables the user to log in to SunPlex Manager by using the user's regular system password and have access to full SunPlex Manager functionality.

Note -

If you assign RBAC authorization to a non-root user account, that user account can perform a set of administrative actions usually performed only by root.

  1. Become superuser on a node of the cluster.

  2. Add the following entry to the /etc/user_attr file.

    # vi /etc/user_attr

  3. Repeat on each remaining node of the cluster.

  4. Use SunPlex Manager to install Sun Cluster software.

    Go to "How to Install Sun Cluster Software (SunPlex Manager)".

How to Create a New User Account

Create a new user account on all nodes the cluster.

Note -

If you assign RBAC authorization to a non-root user account, that user account can perform a set of administrative actions usually performed only by root.

  1. Become superuser on a node of the cluster.

  2. Create the new user account.

    # useradd -d dir -A solaris.cluster.admin login      
    -d dir

    Specifies the home directory of the new user

    -A solaris.cluster.admin

    Assigns solaris.cluster.admin authorization to the new user account


    Name of the new user account

    Note -

    The user name must be unique and must not already exist either on the local machine or in the network name service.

    See the useradd(1M) man page for more information about creating user accounts.

  3. Set the password.

    # passwd login

  4. Repeat on each remaining node of the cluster.

    Ensure that the password for the user account is the same on all nodes of the cluster.

  5. Use SunPlex Manager to install Sun Cluster software.

    Go to "How to Install Sun Cluster Software (SunPlex Manager)".

How to Install Sun Cluster Software (SunPlex Manager)

Note -

To add a new node to an existing cluster, do not use SunPlex Manager. Instead, go to "How to Install Sun Cluster Software on Additional Cluster Nodes (scinstall)".

Perform this procedure to use SunPlex Manager to install Sun Cluster software and patches on all nodes in the cluster in a single operation. In addition, you can use this procedure to install Solstice DiskSuite software and patches, and to install the Sun Cluster HA for NFS data service or scalable Sun Cluster HA for Apache data service or both.

The installation process might take from 30 minutes to two or more hours, depending on the number of cluster nodes, choice of data services, and number of disks in your cluster configuration.

  1. Ensure that SunPlex Manager software is installed on each node of the cluster.

    See the installation procedures in "How to Install SunPlex Manager Software".

  2. Ensure that the cluster configuration meets the requirements to use SunPlex Manager to install software.

    See "Using SunPlex Manager to Install Sun Cluster Software" for installation requirements and restrictions.

  3. Do you intend to install Sun Cluster HA for NFS or Sun Cluster HA for Apache?

  4. Prepare file system paths to a CD-ROM image of each software product you intend to install.

    1. Provide each CD-ROM image in a location that is available to each node.

      The CD-ROM images must be accessible to all nodes of the cluster from the same file system path. These paths can be one or more of the following locations.

      • CD-ROM drives exported to the network from machines outside the cluster.

      • Exported file systems on machines outside the cluster.

      • CD-ROM images copied to local file systems on each node of the cluster. The local file system must use the same name on each node.

    2. Record the path to each CD-ROM image.

      You will provide this information to SunPlex Manager in Step 21.

  5. Do you intend to use the Remote Shared Memory Application Programming Interface (RSMAPI) or use SCI-PCI adapters for the interconnect transport?

    • If no, go to Step 6.

    • If yes, install additional packages from the Packages directory of the Sun Cluster 3.0 12/01 CD-ROM. These packages are not automatically installed by scinstall(1M).

      # cd /cdrom/suncluster_3_0_u2/SunCluster_3.0/Packages
      # pkgadd -d . packages

      The following table lists the Sun Cluster 3.0 packages required to support the RSMAPI or SCI-PCI adapters and the order in which you must install them.

      Table 2-7 Sun Cluster 3.0 Packages to Support the RSMAPI and SCI-PCI Adapters


      Additional Sun Cluster 3.0 Packages to Install  



      SCI-PCI adapters 

      SUNWsci SUNWscid SUNWscidx

  6. Are there any patches required to support Sun Cluster or Solstice DiskSuite software?

  7. Do you intend to use SunPlex Manager to install patches?

    • If yes, go to Step 8.

    • If no, manually install all patches required to support Sun Cluster or Solstice DiskSuite software before you use SunPlex Manager, then go to Step 9.

  8. Copy patches required for Sun Cluster or Solstice DiskSuite software into a single directory on a file system that is available to each node.

    1. Ensure that only one version of each patch is present in this patch directory.

      If the patch directory contains multiple versions of the same patch, SunPlex Manager cannot determine the correct patch dependency order.

    2. Ensure that the patches are uncompressed.

    3. Record the path to the patch directory.

      You will provide this information to SunPlex Manager in Step 21.

  9. Have available the following completed configuration planning worksheets from the Sun Cluster 3.0 Release Notes.

    • "Cluster and Node Names Worksheet"

    • "Cluster Interconnect Worksheet"

    • "Network Resources" worksheet

    See Chapter 1, Planning the Sun Cluster Configuration and the Sun Cluster 3.0 12/01 Data Services Installation and Configuration Guide for planning guidelines.

  10. From the administrative console or any other machine outside the cluster, launch a browser.

  11. Disable the browser's Web proxy.

    SunPlex Manager installation functionality is incompatible with Web proxies.

  12. Ensure the disk caching and memory caching is enabled.

    The disk cache and memory cache size must be greater than 0.

  13. From the browser, connect to port 3000 on one node of the cluster.


    The Sun Cluster Installation screen displays in the browser window.

    Note -

    If the SunPlex Manager displays the administration interface instead of the Sun Cluster Installation screen, Sun Cluster software is already installed on that node. Check that the name of the node in the URL is the correct name of the cluster node to install.

  14. If the browser displays a New Site Certification window, follow the onscreen instructions to accept the certificate.

  15. In the Sun Cluster Installation screen, verify that the cluster meets the listed requirements for using SunPlex Manager.

    • The Solaris End User Software Group or higher is installed.

    • Root disk partitions include a 100-MByte slice with the mount point /globaldevices.

    • Root disk partitions include a 10-MByte slice with the mount point /sds, if you will install Solstice DiskSuite.

    • File system paths to all needed CD-ROM images and patches are set up, as described in Step 4 through Step 8.

    If you meet all listed requirements, click Next to continue to the next screen.

  16. Type a name for the cluster and select the number of nodes in your cluster.

    The default number of nodes displayed might be higher than the number of nodes you intend to install in your cluster. If this happens, select the correct number of nodes you will install. This might occur if other nodes that are ready to be installed by SunPlex Manager use the same public network as the nodes you intend to install.

    Click Next to continue.

    Tip -

    You can use the Back button to return to a previous screen and change your information. However, SunPlex Manager does not save the information you supplied in the later screens. When you click Next, you must again type or select your configuration information in those screens.

  17. Type the name of each cluster node.

    SunPlex Manager supplies as defaults the names of nodes it finds on the public network which are ready to be installed by SunPlex Manager. If you specify a larger number of nodes to install than exist on the network, SunPlex Manager supplies additional default names. These additional names follow the naming convention phys-clustername-N.

    Note -

    SunPlex Manager might list nodes other than the ones you intend to install in your cluster. This would happen if those other nodes use the same public network as the nodes you are installing, and if those nodes are installed with SunPlex Manager software but not yet installed with Sun Cluster software. If SunPlex Manager supplies the name of a node that you do not want to install in your cluster, type over it with the correct node name.

    Click Next to continue.

  18. From the pull-down lists for each node, select the names of the two adapters used for the private interconnects.

    Refer to your completed "Cluster Interconnect Worksheet" for the appropriate adapter names for each node.

    Click Next to continue.

  19. Choose whether to install Solstice DiskSuite software.

    You must install Solstice DiskSuite software if you intend to install the Sun Cluster HA for NFS or Sun Cluster HA for Apache data service.

    Caution - Caution -

    When Solstice DiskSuite is installed, any data on all shared disks will be lost.

    Click Next to continue.

  20. Choose whether to install Sun Cluster HA for NFS, Sun Cluster HA for Apache, or both.

    Refer to your completed "Network Resources" worksheet for the appropriate logical hostname or shared address.

    • For Sun Cluster HA for NFS, also specify the logical hostname the data service will use.

    • For Sun Cluster HA for Apache, also specify the shared address the data service will use.

    Click Next to continue.

  21. Type the path for each CD-ROM image needed to install the packages you specified, and optionally the path for the patch directory.

    • Type each path in the appropriate path field for each software package, as shown in Table 2-8.

    • Each specified path for a CD-ROM image must be the directory which contains the .cdtoc file for the CD-ROM.

    • For any software package you do not install, leave the relevant path field blank.

    • If you have already installed the required patches, leave the Patch Directory Path field blank.

    Table 2-8 CD-ROM Image Path Fields for Software Packages

    Software Package to Install 

    Name of CD-ROM Image Path Field 

    Solstice DiskSuite 

    Solaris CD-ROM Path 

    Sun Cluster 

    Sun Cluster 3.0 12/01 CD-ROM Path 

    Sun Cluster HA for NFS, 

    Sun Cluster HA for Apache 

    Sun Cluster 3.0 Agents 12/01 CD-ROM Path 

    Sun Cluster patches, 

    Solstice DiskSuite patches 

    Patch Directory Path 

    Click Next to continue.

  22. Is the information you supplied correct as displayed in the Confirm Information screen?

    • If yes, go to Step 23.

    • If no, perform the following steps to correct the configuration information.

    1. Click Back until you return to the screen with the information to change.

      Note -

      When you click Back to back up to a previous screen, any information you typed in the subsequent screens is lost.

    2. Type the correct information and click Next.

    3. Retype or reselect the information in each screen until you return to the Confirm Information screen.

    4. Verify that the information in the Confirm Information screen is now correct.

  23. Click Begin Installation to start the installation process.

    Note -

    Do not close the browser window or change the URL during the installation process.

    1. If the browser displays a New Site Certification window, follow the onscreen instructions to accept the certificate.

    2. If the browser prompts for login information, type the appropriate user ID and password for the node you connect to.

    During installation, the screen displays brief messages about the status of the cluster installation process. When installation is complete, the browser displays the cluster monitoring and administration GUI.

    SunPlex Manager installation output is logged in the /var/cluster/spm directory. Sun Cluster installation output is logged in the /var/cluster/logs/install/ file, where pid is the process ID number of the scinstall instance.

    If during installation the sccheck utility detects any problems, it displays information about the problems found and prompts you for your next action.

    • Click Cancel to stop installation, correct the problem detected by sccheck, then return to Step 13 and restart SunPlex Manager.

    • Alternately, if you can correct the problem without quitting SunPlex Manager, correct the problem and click Retry Validation to run sccheck again.

    • If you know that you can safely ignore the sccheck messages, for example, from notification in the Sun Cluster 3.0 12/01 Release Notes or Sun Cluster 3.0 12/01 Release Notes Supplement that a recent qualification will trigger a harmless error message, click Continue Installation.

  24. Use SunPlex Manager to verify quorum assignments and modify them, if necessary.

    For clusters with three or more nodes, using shared quorum devices is optional. SunPlex Manager might or might not have assigned quorum votes to any quorum devices, depending on whether appropriate shared disks were available. You can use SunPlex Manager to designate quorum devices and reassign quorum votes in the cluster.

  25. Set up the name service look-up order.

    Go to "How to Configure the Name Service Switch".