Sun Cluster 3.0 12/01 Software Installation Guide

How to Shut Down the Cluster

Before you upgrade the software, take the cluster out of production.

  1. Have available the CD-ROMs, documentation, and patches for all the software products you are upgrading.

    • Solaris 8 operating environment

    • Solstice DiskSuite software or VERITAS Volume Manager

    • Sun Cluster 3.0 12/01 framework

    • Sun Cluster 3.0 12/01 data services (agents)

    • Third-party applications

    Solstice DiskSuite software and documentation are now part of the Solaris 8 product.

    Note -

    These procedures assume you are installing from CD-ROMs. If you are installing from a network, ensure that the CD-ROM image for each software product is loaded on the network.

    See the Sun Cluster 3.0 12/01 Release Notes for the location of patches and installation instructions.

  2. Notify users that the cluster will be down.

  3. Become superuser on each node of the cluster.

  4. Search the /var/adm/messages log for unresolved error or warning messages.

    Correct any problems.

  5. Verify that no logical hosts are in the maintenance state.

    1. Become superuser on a node of the cluster.

    2. Use the hastat(1M) command to display the status of the cluster.

      # hastat

      If the screen output displays NONE, no logical hosts are in the maintenance state. Go to Step 6.

    3. If a logical host is in the maintenance state, use the haswitch(1M) command to perform switchover.

      # haswitch hostname logical-hostname

      Specifies the name of the node that is to own the logical host


      Specifies the name of the logical host

    4. Run the hastat command to verify the switchover completed successfully.

  6. Ensure that the size of each logical host administrative file system is at least 10 Mbytes.

    # df -k /logical-hostname

    A logical host administrative file system that is not the required minimum size of 10 Mbytes will not be mountable after upgrade to Sun Cluster 3.0 12/01 software. If a logical host administrative file system is smaller than 10 Mbytes, follow your volume manager documentation procedure for growing this file system.

  7. Back up your system.

    Ensure that all users are logged off the system before you back it up.

  8. (VxVM only) Disable the shared Cluster Configuration Database (CCD).

    1. From either node, create a backup copy of the shared CCD.

      # ccdadm -c backup-filename

      See the ccdadm(1M) man page for more information.

    2. On each node of the cluster, remove the shared CCD.

      # scconf clustername -S none 

    3. On each node, run the mount(1M) command to determine on which node the ccdvol is mounted.

      The ccdvol entry looks similar to the following.

      # mount
      /dev/vx/dsk/sc_dg/ccdvol  /etc/opt/SUNWcluster/conf/ccdssa  ufs suid,rw,largefiles,dev=27105b8  982479320

    4. Run the cksum(1) command on each node to ensure that the ccd.database file is identical on both nodes.

      # cksum ccd.database

    5. If the ccd.database files are different, from either node restore the shared CCD backup that you created in Step a.

      # ccdadm -r backup-filename

    6. Stop the Sun Cluster 2.2 software on the node on which the ccdvol is mounted.

      # scadmin stopnode

    7. From the same node, unmount the ccdvol.

      # umount /etc/opt/SUNWcluster/conf/ccdssa 

  9. Stop the Sun Cluster 2.2 software on each node of the cluster.

    # scadmin stopnode

  10. Run the hastat command to verify that no nodes are in the cluster.

  11. Does the cluster use VERITAS Volume Manager?