Sun Cluster 3.0 12/01 Software Installation Guide

How to Change Private Hostnames

Perform this task if you do not want to use the default private hostnames (clusternodenodeid-priv) assigned during Sun Cluster software installation.

Note -

Do not perform after applications and data services have been configured and started. Otherwise, an application or data service might continue to use the old private hostname after it is renamed, which would cause hostname conflicts. If any applications or data services are running, stop them before you perform this procedure.

  1. Become superuser on a node in the cluster.

  2. Start the scsetup(1M) utility.

    # scsetup

  3. To work with private hostnames, type 5 (Private hostnames).

  4. To change a private hostname, type 1 (Change a private hostname).

    Follow the prompts to change the private hostname. Repeat for each private hostname to change.

  5. Verify the new private hostnames.

    # scconf -pv | grep 'private hostname'
    (phys-schost-1) Node private hostname:      phys-schost-1-priv
    (phys-schost-3) Node private hostname:      phys-schost-3-priv
    (phys-schost-2) Node private hostname:      phys-schost-2-priv

  6. Update the /etc/inet/ntp.conf file.

    Go to "How to Update Network Time Protocol (NTP)".