Sun Cluster 3.0 12/01 Software Installation Guide

How to Upgrade to a Sun Cluster 3.0 Software Update Release

Note -

Do not use any new features of the update release, install new data services, or issue any administrative configuration commands until all nodes of the cluster are successfully upgraded.

  1. Get any necessary patches for your cluster configuration.

    In addition to Sun Cluster software patches, get any patches for your hardware, Solaris operating environment, volume manager, applications, and any other software products currently running on your cluster. See the Sun Cluster 3.0 12/01 Release Notes for the location of Sun patches and installation instructions.

  2. From any node, view the current status of the cluster.

    Save the output as a baseline for comparison.

    % scstat
    % scrgadm -pv[v]

    See the scstat(1M) and scrgadm(1M) man pages for more information.

  3. Become superuser on a node of the cluster to upgrade.

  4. Evacuate all resource groups and device groups running on the node to upgrade.

    # scswitch -S -h node

    Evacuates all resource groups and device groups

    -h node

    Specifies the name of the node from which to evacuate resource groups and device groups

    See the scswitch(1M) man page for more information.

  5. Verify that the evacuation completed successfully.

    # scstat -g -D

  6. Back up the system disk and data.

  7. Do you intend to upgrade Solaris 8 software?

    Note -

    The cluster must already run on, or be upgraded to, at least the minimum required level of the Solaris 8 operating environment to support Sun Cluster 3.0 12/01 software.

    • If yes, go to Step 8.

    • If no, reboot the node in non-cluster mode, then skip to Step 9.

      Include the double dashes (--) and two quotation marks (") in the command.

      # reboot -- "-x"

  8. (Optional) Upgrade Solaris 8 software.

    1. Temporarily comment out all global device entries in the /etc/vfstab file.

      Do this to prevent the Solaris upgrade from attempting to mount the global devices.

    2. Shut down the node to upgrade.

      # shutdown -y -g0

    3. Follow instructions in the installation guide for the Solaris 8 Maintenance Update version you want to upgrade to.

    4. When prompted to reboot, reboot the node in non-cluster mode.

      Include the double dashes (--) and two quotation marks (") in the command.

      # reboot -- "-x"

    5. Install any Solaris software patches and hardware-related patches, and download any needed firmware contained in the hardware patches.

      If any patches require rebooting, reboot the node in non-cluster mode as described in Step d.

    6. Uncomment all global device entries in the /etc/vfstab file that you commented out in Step a.

  9. Upgrade to the Sun Cluster 3.0 update software.

    1. If you are installing from the CD-ROM, insert the Sun Cluster 3.0 12/01 CD-ROM into the CD-ROM drive on the node.

      If the volume daemon vold(1M) is running and configured to manage CD-ROM devices, it automatically mounts the CD-ROM on the /cdrom/suncluster_3_0_u2 directory.

    2. Change to the Tools directory.

      # cd /cdrom/suncluster_3_0_u2/SunCluster_3.0/Tools

    3. Install the Sun Cluster 3.0 Update 2 patches.

      ./scinstall -u update

      See the scinstall(1M) man page for more information.

    4. Install any Sun Cluster software patches.

  10. Reboot the node into the cluster.

    # reboot

  11. Verify that each Sun Cluster software Update 2 patch is installed correctly.

    View the upgrade log file referenced at the end of the upgrade output messages.

  12. Verify the status of the cluster configuration.

    % scstat
    % scrgadm -pv[v]

    Output should be the same as for Step 2.

  13. Repeat Step 3 through Step 12 on each remaining cluster node.

  14. Do you intend to upgrade any data services?

    • If yes, go to Step 15.

    • If no, stop. The software upgrade is complete.

  15. Take offline all resource groups for the data services you will upgrade.

    # scswitch -F -g resource-grp

    Take offline

    -g resource-grp

    Specifies the name of the resource group to take offline

  16. Upgrade applications as needed.

    Follow the instructions provided in your third-party documentation.

  17. For each node on which data services are installed, upgrade to the Sun Cluster 3.0 data services update software.

    1. If you are installing from the CD-ROM, insert the Sun Cluster 3.0 Agents 12/01 CD-ROM into the CD-ROM drive on the node.

    2. Install the Sun Cluster 3.0 data services update patches.

      Use one of the following methods.

      • To upgrade one or more specified data services, type the following command.

        # scinstall -u update -s srvc[,srvc,...] -d cdrom-image

      • To upgrade all data services present on the node, type the following command.

        # scinstall -u update -s all -d cdrom-image

        Note -

        This command assumes that updates for all installed data services exist on the update release. If an update for a particular data service does not exist in the update release, that data service is not upgraded.

    3. Install any Sun Cluster data service software patches.

    4. Verify that each data service update patch is installed successfully.

      View the upgrade log file referenced at the end of the upgrade output messages.

  18. Bring back online the resource groups for each upgraded data service.

    # scswitch -Z -g resource-grp

    Bring online

  19. Verify the status of the cluster configuration.

    % scstat
    % scrgadm -pv[v]

    Output should be the same as for Step 2.

  20. Restart any applications.

    Follow the instructions provided in your third-party documentation.