Sun Cluster 3.0 12/01 Software Installation Guide

IP Addresses

You must set up a number of IP addresses for various Sun Cluster components, depending on your cluster configuration. Each node in the cluster configuration must have at least one public network connection to the same set of public subnets.

The following table lists the components that need IP addresses assigned to them. Add these IP addresses to any naming services used. Also add these IP addresses to the local /etc/inet/hosts file on each cluster node after Solaris software is installed.

Table 1-3 Sun Cluster Components That Use IP Addresses


IP Addresses Needed 

Administrative console 

1 per subnet 

Cluster nodes 

1 per node, per subnet 

Console-access device 

Logical addresses 

1 per logical host resource, per subnet 

Console-Access Devices

You must have console access to all cluster nodes. If you install Cluster Control Panel software on your administrative console, you must provide the hostname of the console-access device used to communicate with the cluster nodes. A terminal concentrator can be used to communicate between the administrative console and the cluster node consoles. A Sun Enterprise E10000 server uses a System Service Processor (SSP) instead of a terminal concentrator. A Sun FireTM server uses a system controller. For more information about console access, see Sun Cluster 3.0 12/01 Concepts.

Logical Addresses

Each data service resource group that uses a logical address must have a hostname specified for each public network from which the logical address can be accessed. See the Sun Cluster 3.0 12/01 Data Services Installation and Configuration Guide for information and worksheets for planning resource groups. For more information about data services and resources, also see Sun Cluster 3.0 12/01 Concepts.