Sun Cluster 3.0 12/01 Software Installation Guide

File System Logging

Logging is required for cluster file systems. Sun Cluster supports the following logging file systems.

For information about Solstice DiskSuite trans metadevice UFS logging, see your Solstice DiskSuite documentation. For information about Solaris UFS logging, see the mount_ufs(1M) man page. For information about VxFS logging, see the mount_vxfs(1M) man page provided with the VxVM software.

The following table lists the logging file systems supported by each volume manager.

Table 1-4 Supported File System Logging Matrix

Volume Manager 

Supported File System Logging  

Solstice DiskSuite 

Solaris UFS logging, Solstice DiskSuite trans metadevice UFS logging, VxFS logging 

VERITAS Volume Manager 

Solaris UFS logging, VxFS logging 

Consider the following points when you choose between Solaris UFS logging and Solstice DiskSuite trans metadevice UFS logging.