Sun Cluster 3.0 12/01 Hardware Guide

How to Replace a StorEdge T3/T3+ Array Controller

Use this procedure to replace a StorEdge T3/T3+ array controller.

  1. Detach the submirrors on the StorEdge T3/T3+ array that is connected to the controller you are replacing in order to stop all I/O activity to this StorEdge T3/T3+ array.

    For more information, see your Solstice DiskSuite or VERITAS Volume Manager documentation.

  2. Replace the controller.

    For the procedure on replacing a StorEdge T3/T3+ controller, see the Sun StorEdge T3 and T3+ Array Installation, Operation, and Service Manual.

  3. Reattach the submirrors to resynchronize them.

    For more information, see your Solstice DiskSuite or VERITAS Volume Manager documentation.