Sun Cluster 3.0 12/01 Hardware Guide

How to Migrate From a Single-Controller Configuration to a Partner-Group Configuration

Use this procedure to migrate your StorEdge T3/T3+ arrays from a single-controller (non-interconnected) configuration to a partner-group (interconnected) configuration.

Note -

Only trained, qualified Sun service providers should use this procedure. This procedure requires the Sun StorEdge T3 and T3+ Array Field Service Manual, which is available to trained Sun service providers only.

  1. Remove the non-interconnected arrays that will be in your partner-group from the cluster configuration.

    Follow the procedure in "How to Remove StorEdge T3/T3+ Arrays From a Running Cluster".

    Note -

    Backup all data on the arrays before removing them from the cluster configuration.

    Note -

    This procedure assumes that the two arrays that will be in the partner-group configuration are correctly isolated from each other on separate FC switches. Do not disconnect the cables from the FC switches or nodes.

  2. Connect and configure the single arrays to form a partner-group.

    Follow the procedure in the Sun StorEdge T3 and T3+ Array Field Service Manual.

  3. Add the new partner-group to the cluster configuration:

    1. At each array's prompt, use the port list command to ensure that each array has a unique target address:

      t3:/:<#> port list

      If the arrays do not have unique target addresses, use the port set command to set the addresses. For the procedure on verifying and assigning a target address to an array, see the Sun StorEdge T3 and T3+ Array Configuration Guide. For more information about the port command see the Sun StorEdge T3 and T3+ Array Administrator's Guide.

    2. At each array's prompt, use the sys list command to verify that the cache and mirror settings for each array are set to auto:

      t3:/:<#> sys list

      If the two settings are not already set to auto, set them using the following commands at each array's prompt:

      t3:/:<#> sys cache auto
      t3:/:<#> sys mirror auto

    3. Use the StorEdge T3/T3+ sys list command to verify that the mp_support parameter for each array is set to mpxio:

      t3:/:<#> sys list

      If mp_support is not already set to mpxio, set it using the following command at each array's prompt:

      t3:/:<#> sys mp_support mpxio

    4. If necessary, upgrade the host adapter firmware on Node A.

      See the Sun Cluster 3.0 12/01 Release Notes for information about accessing Sun's EarlyNotifier web pages, which list information about any required patches or firmware levels that are available for download. For the procedure on applying any host adapter firmware patch, see the firmware patch README file.

    5. If necessary, install the required Solaris patches for StorEdge T3/T3+ array support on Node A.

      See the Sun Cluster 3.0 12/01 Release Notes for information about accessing Sun's EarlyNotifier web pages, which list information about any required patches or firmware levels that are available for download.

    6. Install any required patches or software for Sun StorEdge Traffic Manager software support from the Sun Download Center Web site,

      For instructions on installing the software, see the information on the web site.

    7. Activate the Sun StorEdge Traffic Manager software functionality in the software you installed in Step f.

      To activate the Sun StorEdge Traffic Manager software functionality, manually edit the /kernel/drv/scsi_vhci.conf file that is installed to change the mpxio-disable parameter to no:


    8. Shut down Node A.

      # shutdown -y -g0 -i0
    9. Perform a reconfiguration boot on Node A to create the new Solaris device files and links.

      {0} ok boot -r
    10. On Node A, update the /devices and /dev entries:

      # devfsadm -C 

    11. On Node A, update the paths to the DID instances:

      # scdidadm -C
    12. Label the new array logical volume.

      For the procedure on labeling a logical volume, see the Sun StorEdge T3 and T3+ Array Administrator's Guide.

    13. If necessary, upgrade the host adapter firmware on Node B.

      See the Sun Cluster 3.0 12/01 Release Notes for information about accessing Sun's EarlyNotifier web pages, which list information about any required patches or firmware levels that are available for download. For the procedure on applying any host adapter firmware patch, see the firmware patch README file.

    14. If necessary, install the required Solaris patches for StorEdge T3/T3+ array support on Node B.

      For a list of required Solaris patches for StorEdge T3/T3+ array support, see the Sun StorEdge T3 Disk Tray Release Notes.

    15. Install any required patches or software for Sun StorEdge Traffic Manager software support from the Sun Download Center Web site,

      For instructions on installing the software, see the information on the web site.

    16. Activate the Sun StorEdge Traffic Manager software functionality in the software you installed in Step o.

      To activate the Sun StorEdge Traffic Manager software functionality, manually edit the /kernel/drv/scsi_vhci.conf file that is installed to change the mpxio-disable parameter to no:


    17. Shut down Node B.

      # shutdown -y -g0 -i0
    18. Perform a reconfiguration boot to create the new Solaris device files and links on Node B.

      {0} ok boot -r
    19. On Node B, update the /devices and /dev entries:

      # devfsadm -C 

    20. On Node B, update the paths to the DID instances:

      # scdidadm -C
    21. (Optional) On Node B, verify that the DIDs are assigned to the new arrays:

      # scdidadm -l

    22. On one node attached to the new arrays, reset the SCSI reservation state:

      # scdidadm -R n

      Where n is the DID instance of a array LUN you are adding to the cluster.

      Note -

      Repeat this command on the same node for each array LUN you are adding to the cluster.

    23. Perform volume management administration to incorporate the new logical volumes into the cluster.

      For more information, see your Solstice DiskSuite or VERITAS Volume Manager documentation.