Sun Cluster 3.0 12/01 Hardware Guide

How to Replace a StorEdge MultiPack Enclosure in a Running Cluster

Use this procedure to replace a StorEdge MultiPack enclosure in a running cluster. This procedure assumes that you are retaining the disk drives in the StorEdge MultiPack enclosure that you are replacing and that you are retaining the references to these same disk drives.

If you want to replace your disk drives, see "How to Replace a Disk Drive in StorEdge MultiPack Enclosure in a Running Cluster".

  1. If possible, back up the metadevices or volumes that reside in the disk array.

    For more information, see your Solstice DiskSuite or VERITAS Volume Manager documentation.

  2. Perform volume management administration to remove the disk array from the configuration.

    For more information, see your Solstice DiskSuite or VERITAS Volume Manager documentation.

  3. Disconnect the SCSI cables from the StorEdge MultiPack enclosure, disconnecting the cable on the SCSI OUT connector first, then the cable on the SCSI IN connector second (see Figure 4-4).

    Figure 4-4 Disconnecting the SCSI Cables


  4. Power off, and disconnect the StorEdge MultiPack enclosure from the AC power source.

    For more information, see the documentation that shipped with your StorEdge MultiPack enclosure and the labels inside the lid of the StorEdge MultiPack enclosure.

  5. Connect the new StorEdge MultiPack enclosure to an AC power source.

    Refer to the documentation that shipped with the StorEdge MultiPack enclosure and the labels inside the lid of the StorEdge MultiPack enclosure.

  6. Connect the SCSI cables to the new StorEdge MultiPack enclosure, reversing the order in which you disconnected them (connect the SCSI IN connector first, then the SCSI OUT connector second). See Figure 4-4.

  7. Move the disk drives one at a time from the old StorEdge MultiPack enclosure to the same slots in the new StorEdge MultiPack enclosure.

  8. Power on the StorEdge MultiPack enclosure.

  9. On all nodes that are attached to the StorEdge MultiPack enclosure, run the devfsadm(1M) command.

    # devfsadm
  10. One at a time, shut down and reboot the nodes that are connected to the StorEdge MultiPack enclosure.

    # scswitch -S -h nodename
    # shutdown -y -g0 -i6

    For more information on shutdown(1M), see the Sun Cluster 3.0 12/01 System Administration Guide.

  11. Perform volume management administration to add the StorEdge MultiPack enclosure to the configuration.

    For more information, see your Solstice DiskSuite or VERITAS Volume Manager documentation.