Sun Cluster 3.0 12/01 Hardware Guide

Example--Replacing a StorEdge A5x00 Array

The following example shows how to apply the procedure for replacing a StorEdge A5x00 array.

# luxadm remove_device -F venus1

WARNING!!! Please ensure that no filesystems are mounted on these device(s).
 All data on these devices should have been backed up.

The list of devices that will be removed is:
  1: Box name:    venus1
     Node WWN:    123456789abcdeff
     Device Type: SENA (SES device)
     SES Paths:

Please verify the above list of devices and
then enter 'c' or <CR> to Continue or 'q' to Quit. [Default: c]: <Return>

Hit <Return> after removing the device(s). <Return>
# luxadm insert_device
Please hit <RETURN> when you have finished adding Fibre Channel 
Enclosure(s)/Device(s): <Return>
# scgdevs