Sun Cluster 3.0 12/01 Data Services Installation and Configuration Guide

Appendix B Legal RGM Names and Values

This appendix lists the requirements for legal characters for Resource Group Manager (RGM) names and values.

RGM Legal Names

RGM names fall into the following five categories.

Except for resource type names, all names must comply with the following rules.

A resource type name can be a simple name (specified by the Resource_type property in the RTR file) or a complete name (specified by the Vendor_id and Resource_type properties in the RTR file). When you specify both of these properties, the RGM inserts a period between the Vendor_id and Resource_type to form the complete name. For example, if Vendor_id=SUNW and Resource_type=sample, the complete name is SUNW.sample. This instance is the only case where a period is a legal character in an RGM name.

RGM Values

RGM values fall into two categories-property values and description values-both of which share the same rules, as follows.