Sun Cluster 3.0 12/01 Data Services Installation and Configuration Guide

How to Add a Shared Address Resource to a Resource Group

To complete this procedure, you must supply the following information.

See the scrgadm(1M) man page for additional information.

Note -

Perform this procedure from any cluster node.

  1. Become superuser on a cluster member.

  2. Add the shared address resource to the resource group.

    # scrgadm -a -S [-j resource] -g resource-group -l hostnamelist, ... \
    [-X auxnodelist] [-n netiflist]

    Adds shared address resources.


    Specifies the shared address resource form of the command.

    -j resource

    Specifies an optional resource name of your choice. If you do not specify this option, the name defaults to the first hostname that is specified with the -l option.

    -g resource-group

    Specifies the resource group name.

    -l hostnamelist, ...

    Specifies a comma-separated list of shared address hostnames.

    -X auxnodelist

    Specifies a comma-separated list of physical node names or IDs that identify the cluster nodes that can host the shared address but never serve as primary if failover occurs. These nodes are mutually exclusive, with the nodes identified as potential masters in the resource group's node list.

    -n netiflist

    Specifies an optional, comma-separated list that identifies the NAFO groups on each node. All of the nodes in the resource group's node list must be represented in the netiflist. See the scrgadm(1M) man page for a description of the syntax for specifying netiflist. If you do not specify this option, the scrgadm command attempts to discover a net adapter on the subnet that the hostnamelist identifies for each node in the node list.

  3. Verify that the shared address resource has been added and validated.

    # scrgadm -pv -j resource

    Adding the resource causes the Sun Cluster software to validate the resource. If the validation succeeds, you can enable the resource, and you can move the resource group into the state where the RGM manages it. If the validation fails, the scrgadm command produces an error message and exits. If the validation fails, check the syslog on each node for an error message. The message appears on the node that performed the validation, not necessarily the node on which you ran the scrgadm command.

Example - Adding a Shared Address Resource to a Resource Group

This example shows the addition of a shared address resource (resource-1) to a resource group (resource-group-1).

# scrgadm -a -S -j resource-1 -g resource-group-1 -l schost-1
# scrgadm -pv -j resource-1
(resource-group-1) Res name:                                resource-1
    (resource-group-1:resource-1) Res R_description:
    (resource-group-1:resource-1) Res resource type:        SUNW.SharedAddress
    (resource-group-1:resource-1) Res resource group name:  resource-group-1
    (resource-group-1:resource-1) Res enabled:              False
    (resource-group-1:resource-1) Res monitor enabled:      True

Where to Go From Here

After you add a shared resource, use the procedure "How to Bring a Resource Group Online" to enable the resource.