Sun Cluster 3.0 12/01 Data Services Installation and Configuration Guide

How to Install SAP and the Database

This section describes how to install and configure SAP and the database and how to enable SAP to run in the cluster.

  1. Become superuser on one of the nodes in the cluster where you are installing the central instance.

  2. Install SAP binaries on the cluster file system.

    Note -

    Before you install SAP software on the cluster file system, use the scstat(1M) command to verify that the Sun Cluster software is fully operational.

    1. For all of the SAP-required kernel parameter changes, edit the /etc/system file on all of the cluster nodes that will run the SAP application.

      After you edit the /etc/system file, reboot each node. See the SAP document R/3 Installation on UNIX-OS Dependencies for details on kernel parameter changes.

    2. See the SAP document Installation of the SAP R/3 on UNIX for details on how to install the central instance and the database.