Sun Cluster 3.0 12/01 Data Services Developer's Guide

The SUNW.xfnts RTR File

This section describes several key properties in the SUNW.xfnts RTR file. It does not describe the purpose of each property in the file. For such a description, see "Setting Resource and Resource Type Properties".

The Confdir_list extension property identifies the configuration directory (or a list of directories), as follows.

Example 7-1

	PROPERTY = Confdir_list;
	DESCRIPTION = "The Configuration Directory Path(s)";

The Confdir_list property does not specify a default value. The cluster administrator must specify a directory at the time of resource creation. This value cannot be changed later because tunability is limited to AT_CREATION.

The Port_list property identifies the port on which the server daemon listens, as follows.

Example 7-2

	PROPERTY = Port_list;
	DEFAULT = 7100/tcp;

Because the property declares a default value, the cluster administrator has a choice of specifying a new value or accepting the default at the time of resource creation. This value cannot be changed later because tunability is limited to AT_CREATION.