Sun Cluster 3.0 12/01 Data Services Developer's Guide

Appendix D Legal RGM Names and Values

This appendix lists the requirements for legal characters for RGM names and values.

RGM Legal Names

RGM names fall into five categories:

Except for resource type names, all names must comply with the following rules:

A resource type name can be a simple name (specified by the Resource_type property in the RTR file) or a complete name (specified by the Vendor_id and Resource_type properties in the RTR file). When you specify both these properties, the RGM inserts a period between the Vendor_id and Resource_type to form the complete name. For example, if Vendor_id=SUNW and Resource_type=sample, the complete name is SUNW.sample. This is the only case where a period is a legal character in an RGM name.

RGM Values

RGM values fall into two categories: property values and description values, both of which share the same rules, as follows: