Sun Cluster 3.0 12/01 Data Services Developer's Guide

STOP Overview

There are two primary considerations when attempting to stop the data service. The first is to provide an orderly shutdown. Sending a SIGTERM signal through pmfadm is the best way to accomplish this.

The second consideration is to ensure that the data service is actually stopped to avoid putting it in Stop_failed state. The best way to accomplish this is to send a SIGKILL signal through pmfadm.

The STOP method in the sample data service takes both these considerations into account. It first sends a SIGTERM signal. If this signal fails to stop the data service, the method sends a SIGKILL signal.

Before attempting to stop DNS, this STOP method verifies that the process is actually running. If the process is running, STOP uses the process monitor facility (pmfadm) to stop it.

This STOP method is guaranteed to be idempotent. Although the RGM should not call a STOP method twice without first starting the data service with a call to its START method, the RGM could call a STOP method on a resource even though the resource was never started or it died of its own accord. Therefore, this STOP method exits with success even if DNS is not running.