Sun Cluster 3.0 12/01 Data Services Developer's Guide

C Functions

C functions are to be used in C program implementations of the callback methods for resource types representing services controlled by the cluster's RGM. You can use these functions to do the following:

Note -

Although this section provides brief descriptions of the C functions, the individual (3HA) man pages provide the definitive reference for the C functions. Each function has a man page of the same name unless otherwise noted. See the scha_calls(3HA) man page for information on the output arguments and return codes of the C functions.

Resource Functions

These functions access information about a resource managed by the RGM or indicate the state of the resource as perceived by the monitor.

Resource Type Functions

Together these functions access information about a resource type registered with the RGM.

Resource Group Functions

You can access information about or restart a resource group with these functions.

Cluster Functions

These functions access or return information about a cluster.

Utility Function

This function converts an error code to an error message.