Sun Cluster 3.0 12/01 System Administration Guide

7.1 Patching Sun Cluster Overview

Due to the nature of a cluster, all cluster member nodes must be at the same patch level for proper cluster operation. When patching a node with a Sun Cluster-specific patch, you might need to temporarily remove a node from cluster membership or stop the entire cluster before installing the patch. This section describes these steps.

Before applying a Sun Cluster patch, check the Sun Cluster web page for any special instructions; for the current URL, see the Sun Cluster 3.0 12/01 Release Notes or contact Enterprise Services. If there aren't any special instructions, check the patch's README file.

Note -

For Sun Cluster-specific patches, always defer to the patch's README file for instructions that supersede procedures in this chapter.

Patch installation on all cluster nodes falls into one of the following scenarios:

Note -

Underlying cluster protocols do not change due to a patch.

You use the patchadd command to apply a patch to the cluster, and patchrm to remove a patch (when possible).

7.1.1 Sun Cluster Patch Tips

Use the following tips to help you administer Sun Cluster patches more efficiently: