Sun Cluster 3.0 12/01 System Administration Guide

3.3.11 How to Register Disk Group Configuration Changes (VERITAS Volume Manager)

When you change any configuration information for a VxVM disk group or volume, you need to register the configuration changes for the Sun Cluster disk device group. This ensures that the global namespace is in the correct state.

  1. Become superuser on any node in the cluster.

  2. Enter the scsetup(1M) utility.

    # scsetup

    The Main Menu is displayed.

  3. To work with VxVM disk device groups, type 4 (Device groups and volumes).

    The Device Groups Menu is displayed.

  4. To register configuration changes, type 2 (Synchronize volume information for a VxVM device group).

    Follow the instructions and enter the VxVM disk group that has changed configuration. Example--Registering VERITAS Volume Manager Disk Group Configuration Changes

The following example shows the scconf command generated by scsetup when it registers a changed VxVM disk device group (dg1). This example assumes that the VxVM disk group and volume were created previously.

# scsetup
scconf -c -D name=dg1,sync