Sun Cluster 3.0 12/01 System Administration Guide Example--How to Assign a New Minor Number to a Disk Device Group

This example uses the minor numbers 16000-16002 and 4000-4001. The vxdg reminor command is used to assign the base minor number 5000 to the new disk device group.

# ls -l /global/.devices/node@nodeid/dev/vx/dsk/*
brw-------   1 root     root      56,16000 Oct  7 11:32 dg1v1
brw-------   1 root     root      56,16001 Oct  7 11:32 dg1v2
brw-------   1 root     root      56,16002 Oct  7 11:32 dg1v3
brw-------   1 root     root      56,4000 Oct  7 11:32 dg2v1
brw-------   1 root     root      56,4001 Oct  7 11:32 dg2v2
# vxdg reminor dg3 5000