Sun Cluster 3.0 12/01 System Administration Guide Example--Removing a Cluster File System

The following example removes a UFS cluster file system mounted on the Solstice DiskSuite metadevice /dev/md/oracle/rdsk/d1.

# mount -v
/global/oracle/d1 on /dev/md/oracle/dsk/d1 read/write/setuid/global/logging/largefiles on Sun Oct  3 08:56:16 1999
# fuser -c /global/oracle/d1
/global/oracle/d1: 4006c
# fuser -c -k /global/oracle/d1
/global/oracle/d1: 4006c
# fuser -c /global/oracle/d1
# umount /global/oracle/d1
(on each node, remove the highlighted entry:)
# vi /etc/vfstab
#device           device        mount   FS      fsck    mount   mount
#to mount         to fsck       point   type    pass    at boot options
/dev/md/oracle/dsk/d1 /dev/md/oracle/rdsk/d1 /global/oracle/d1 ufs 2 yes global,logging
[Save and exit.]

Note -

To remove the data on the cluster file system, remove the underlying device. See your volume manager documentation for more information.