Sun Cluster 3.0 12/01 System Administration Guide Example--Putting a Cluster Node Into Maintenance State

The following example moves a cluster node into maintenance state and verifies the results. The scstat -q output shows the Node votes for phys-schost-1 to be 0 (zero) and the status to be offline. The Quorum Summary should also show reduced vote counts. Depending on your configuration, the Quorum Votes by Device output might indicate that some quorum disk devices are offline as well.

[On the node to be put into maintenance state:]
phys-schost-1# scswitch -S -h phys-schost-1
phys-schost-1# shutdown -g0 -y -i0

[On another node in the cluster:]
phys-schost-2# scconf -c -q node=phys-schost-1,maintstate
phys-schost-2# scstat -q

-- Quorum Summary --
  Quorum votes possible:      3
  Quorum votes needed:        2
  Quorum votes present:       3

-- Quorum Votes by Node --
                    Node Name           Present Possible Status
                    ---------           ------- -------- ------
  Node votes:       phys-schost-1       0        0       Offline
  Node votes:       phys-schost-2       1        1       Online
  Node votes:       phys-schost-3       1        1       Online

-- Quorum Votes by Device --
                    Device Name         Present Possible Status
                    -----------         ------- -------- ------
  Device votes:     /dev/did/rdsk/d3s2  0        0       Offline
  Device votes:     /dev/did/rdsk/d17s2 0        0       Offline
  Device votes:     /dev/did/rdsk/d31s2 1        1       Online