Sun Cluster 3.0 12/01 Release Notes

BugId 4492010

Problem Summary: In an N-node cluster configured with N interaction managers, if you bring down or halt the cluster node running an Interaction Manager (IM) that serves a client, you will cause the clients to lose the session. Further retries by the same client to reconnect to a different IM will take a long time. This is an issue with the BroadVision product and Broadvision engineers are working to resolve this problem. BroadVision does not support IM session failover capability.

Workaround: From a Netscape browser, click on the Stop/Reload button, and then click on Start Broadway Application button. The connection to BroadVision server should respond immediately. This workaround works most of the time for new connections, after halting the IM node. This workaround is less likely to work if you perform this workaround before halting the IM node. If this workaround does not work, clear the disk cache and memory cache in Netscape.