Sun Cluster 3.0 12/01 Release Notes

BugId 4517304

Problem Summary: If syslogd dies and you cannot restart it on a cluster node (for example, as a result of Bugid 4477565), this can cause rgmd to hang on one or more nodes. This in turn causes other commands such as scstat(1M) -g, scswitch(1M) -g, scrgadm(1M), and scha_*_get(1HA,3HA) to hang and prevents resource group failovers from succeeding.

Workaround: Edit the /etc/init.d/syslog script, inserting a line to remove the symbolic link /etc/.syslog_door before the command that starts /usr/sbin/syslogd.Inserted Line:

rm -f /etc/.syslog_door