Sun Cluster 3.0 U1 Release Notes Supplement

Known Problems

In addition to known problems documented in Sun Cluster 3.0 U1 Release Notes, the following known problems affect the operation of the Sun Cluster 3.0 U1 release.

Bug ID 4349995

Problem Summary: The DiskSuite Tool (metatool) graphical user interface is incompatible with Sun Cluster 3.0.

Workaround: Use command line interfaces to configure and manage shared disksets.

Bug ID 4388265

Problem Summary: You might encounter I/O errors while replacing a SCSI cable from the Sun StorEdge A3500 controller board to the disk tray. These errors are temporary and should disappear when the cable is securely in place.

Workaround: After replacing a SCSI cable in a Sun StorEdge A3500 disk array, use your volume management recovery procedure to recover from I/O errors.

Bug ID 4406523

Note -

This bug was previously reported incorrectly as Bug ID 4480277.

Problem Summary: This bug reported two problems for VERITAS Volume Manager, the first of which has been corrected by a code fix. In the second problem reported, during volume recovery a volume manager (VM) slave node that attempts to join the cluster might cause the VM master node to crash. "VM slave node" means any node that leaves the cluster as the result of a panic.

Workaround: To prevent the VM slave node from causing the VM master node to crash while the master node is synchronizing the shared volumes, perform the following two steps.

  1. Update the /etc/system file of each cluster nodes to include the following line, then reboot each node to make the change take effect.

    set halt_on_panic=1

  2. On all cluster nodes, change the eeprom auto-boot? flag to false.

    eeprom auto-boot?=false

    Some shell systems use slightly different syntax. See the man page for the eeprom(1M) command for the exact syntax to use for your shell system.

Bug ID 4410535

Problem Summary: When using the Sun Cluster module to Sun Management Center 3.0, you cannot add a previously deleted resource group.


  1. Click on Resource Group->Status->Failover Resource Groups.

  2. Right click on the resource group name to be deleted and select Delete Selected Resource Group.

  3. Click on the Refresh icon and make sure the row corresponding to the deleted resource group is gone.

  4. Right click on Resource Groups in the left pane and select Create New Resource Group.

  5. Give the same resource group name that was deleted before and click Next. A dialog box pops up saying that the resource group name is already in use.

Bug ID 4515780

Problem Summary: NLS files for Oracle 9.0.1 are not backward compatible for Oracle 8.1.6 and 8.1.7. Patch 110651-04 has been declared bad.

Workaround: Back out Patch 110651-04 and replace it with 110651-02.

Known Documentation Problems

This section discusses documentation errors you might encounter and steps to correct these problems. This information is in addition to known documentation problems documented in the Sun Cluster 3.0 U1 Release Notes.

Hardware Guide

Step 3 of the procedure, "How to Upgrade Controller Module Firmware in a Running Cluster," in the Sun Cluster 3.0 U1 Hardware Guide (page 164) describes erroneous syntax for the scshutdown command. The scshutdown command should not use the -i option. The correct syntax for the command should be as shown below.

# scshutdown -y -g0

Release Notes

The "Required SAP Patches for Sun Cluster HA for SAP" section of the Release Notes includes uncommon instance numbers (D03) for production. These uncommon instance numbers might cause confusion. The documentation should use common instance numbers (SC3) for production.