Sun Cluster 3.0 12/01 系统管理指南

2.1.2 如何引导群集

  1. 如果群集的节点均已关闭并且在 ok 提示符下,那么在启动该群集时请引导每个节点。

    如果在两次关闭操作之间进行了配置更改,则首先启动具有最新配置的节点。 除上述情形外,节点的引导顺序无关紧要。

    ok boot




  2. 验证引导节点时未发生错误,而且节点现在处于联机状态。

    scstat(1M) 命令报告节点状态。

    # scstat -n


    如果群集节点的 /var 文件系统已满,可能无法在该节点上重新启动 Sun Cluster。如果出现此问题,请参阅"2.3.1 如何修复已满的 /var 文件系统" 示例 - 引导群集

以下示例显示了将节点 phys-schost-1 引导到群集中时控制台所输出的内容。 群集中其他节点的控制台上会显示类似的消息。

ok boot
Rebooting with command: boot 
Hostname: phys-schost-1
Booting as part of a cluster
NOTICE: Node 1 with votecount = 1 added.
NOTICE: Node 2 with votecount = 1 added.
NOTICE: Node 3 with votecount = 1 added.
NOTICE: Node 1: attempting to join cluster
NOTICE: Node 2 (incarnation # 937690106) has become reachable.
NOTICE: Node 3 (incarnation # 937690290) has become reachable.
NOTICE: cluster has reached quorum.
NOTICE: node 1 is up; new incarnation number = 937846227.
NOTICE: node 2 is up; new incarnation number = 937690106.
NOTICE: node 3 is up; new incarnation number = 937690290.
NOTICE: Cluster members:   1  2  3