Sun Cluster 3.0 5/02 Release Notes

Sun Management Center Software Upgrade

This section describes how to upgrade from Sun Management Center 2.1.1 to Sun Management Center 3.0 software on a Sun Cluster 3.0 5/02 configuration.

How to Upgrade Sun Management Center Software

Perform this procedure to upgrade from Sun Management Center 2.1.1 to Sun Management Center 3.0 software on a Sun Cluster 3.0 5/02 configuration.

  1. Have available the following items.

    • Sun Cluster 3.0 5/02 CD-ROM or the path to the CD‐ROM image. You will use the CD‐ROM to reinstall the Sun Cluster module packages after you upgrade Sun Management Center software.

    • Sun Management Center 3.0 documentation.

    • Sun Management Center 3.0 patches and Sun Cluster module patches, if any. See Patches and Required Firmware Levels for the location of patches and installation instructions.

  2. Stop any Sun Management Center processes.

    1. If the Sun Management Center console is running, exit the console.

      In the console window, select File>Exit from the menu bar.

    2. On each Sun Management Center agent machine (cluster node), stop the Sun Management Center agent process.

      # /opt/SUNWsymon/sbin/es-stop -a

    3. On the Sun Management Center server machine, stop the Sun Management Center server process.

      # /opt/SUNWsymon/sbin/es-stop -S

  3. As superuser, remove Sun Cluster module packages from the locations listed in Table 1–5.

    You must remove all Sun Cluster module packages from all locations. Otherwise, the Sun Management Center software upgrade might fail because of package dependency problems. After you upgrade Sun Management Center software, you will reinstall these packages in Step 5.

    # pkgrm module-package

    Table 1–5 Locations to Remove Sun Cluster Module Packages


    Package to Remove 

    Each cluster node 

    SUNWscsam, SUNWscsal

    Sun Management Center console machine 


    Sun Management Center server machine 


    Sun Management Center help server machine 


  4. Upgrade to Sun Management Center 3.0 software.

    Follow the upgrade procedures in your Sun Management Center 3.0 documentation.

  5. As superuser, reinstall Sun Cluster module packages to the locations listed in Table 1–6.

    For Sun Management Center 3.0 software, you install the help server package SUNWscshl on the console machine as well as on the help server machine.

    # cd /cdrom/suncluster_3_0_u3/SunCluster_3.0/Packages
    # pkgadd module-package

    Table 1–6 Locations to Install Sun Cluster Module Packages


    Package to Install 

    Each cluster node 

    SUNWscsam, SUNWscsal

    Sun Management Center console machine 

    SUNWscscn, SUNWscshl

    Sun Management Center server machine 


    Sun Management Center help server machine 


  6. Apply any Sun Management Center patches and any Sun Cluster module patches to each node of the cluster.

  7. Restart Sun Management Center agent, server, and console processes on all involved machines.

    Follow procedures in “How to Start Sun Management Center” in the Sun Cluster 3.0 12/01 Software Installation Guide.

  8. Load the Sun Cluster module.

    Follow procedures in “How to Load the Sun Cluster Module” in the Sun Cluster 3.0 12/01 Software Installation Guide.

    If the Sun Cluster module was previously loaded, unload the module and then reload it to clear all cached alarm definitions on the server. To unload the module, from the console's Details window select Module>Unload Module.