Sun Cluster 3.0 5/02 Release Notes

BugId 4655194

Problem Summary: Solstice DiskSuite soft partition-based device groups on locally mounted VxFS can trigger errors if device group switchover commands (scswitch -D device-group) are issued.

Solstice DiskSuite internally performs mirror resync operations which may take a significant amount of time. Mirror resyncs degrade redundancy. VxFS reports errors at this juncture causing fault monitor/application IO failures, resulting in application restarts.

Workaround: For any Solstice DiskSuite device group configured with HAStoragePlus, do not switch over the device group manually. Instead, switch over the resource group, which in turn will cause error-free device switchovers.

Alternately, configure locally mounted VxFS file systems on VxVM disk groups.