Sun Cluster 3.0 5/02 Release Notes

BugId 4664510

Problem Summary: After powering off one of the Sun StorEdge T3 Arrays then running scshutdown, rebooting both nodes puts the cluster in a non-working state.

Workaround: If half the replicas are lost, perform the following steps:

  1. Ensure that the cluster is in cluster mode.

  2. Forcibly import the diskset.

    # metaset -s set-name -f -C take

  3. Delete the broken replicas.

    # metadb -s set-name -fd /dev/did/dsk/dNsX

  4. Release the diskset.

    # metaset -s set-name -C release

    Now the file system can be mounted and used. However, the redundancy in the replicas has not been restored. If the other half of replicas is lost, then there will be no way to restore the mirror to a sane state.

  5. Recreate the databases after the above repair procedure is applied.