Sun Cluster 3.0 5/02 Release Notes

Man Pages

scgdevs(1M) Man Page

The following paragraph clarifies behavior of the scgdevs command. This information is not currently included in the scgdevs(1M) man page.

New Information:

scgdevs(1M) called from the local node will perform its work on remote nodes asynchronously. Therefore, command completion on the local node does not necessarily mean it has completed its work clusterwide.

SUNW.sap_ci(5) Man Page

SUNW.sap_as(5) Man Page

rg_properties(5) Man Page

The following new resource group property should be added to the rg_properties(5) man page.


This property controls whether the Resource Group Manager starts the resource group automatically when a new cluster is forming.

The default is TRUE. If set to TRUE, the Resource Group Manager attempts to start the resource group automatically to achieve Desired_primaries when all nodes of the cluster are simultaneously rebooted. If set to FALSE, the Resource Group does not start automatically when the cluster is rebooted.

Category: Optional Default: True Tunable: Any time