Sun Cluster 3.0 5/02 Supplement

How to Install SAP for Scalable Application Server

To install scalable application server instances, perform the following steps. This procedure assumes that you installed the central instance and the database.

Tip ( only) -

The following file system layout ensures ease of use and prevents data from being overwritten.

  1. Create all SAP directories on cluster file systems.

    • Ensure that the central instance and the database can fail over.

    • Set up the lock file on cluster file system for the central instance to prevent a multiple startup from a different node.

      For the procedure on how to set up a lock file on the central instance, see "How to Set Up a Lock File for Central Instance".

    • Ensure that all application servers can use the SAP binaries on a cluster file system.

  2. Install the central instance and the database on a cluster file system.

    See the SAP document Installation of the SAP R/3 on UNIX for details on how to install the central instance and the database.

  3. On all nodes that will host the scalable application server, create a local directory for the data/log/sec/work directories and the log files for starting and stopping the application server.

    Caution - Caution -

    You must perform this step. If you do not perform this step, you will inadvertently install a different application server instance on a cluster file system and the two application servers will overwrite each other.

    Create a local directory for each new application server.


    # mkdir -p /usr/sap/local/SC3/D03

  4. Set up a link to point to the local application server directory from a cluster file system, so the application server and the startup/stop log file will be installed on the local file system.


    # ln -s /usr/sap/local/SC3/D03 /usr/sap/SC3/D03

  5. Install the application server.

  6. Edit the start/stop script so that the startup/stop log files will be node specific under the home directories of users sapsidadm and orasapsid.


    # vi startsap_D03


    LOGFILE=$R3S_LOGDIR/`basename $0.log`


    LOGFILE=$R3S_LOGDIR/`basename $0`_`uname -n`.log

  7. Copy the application server (with the same SAPSID and the same instance number) on all nodes that run the scalable application server.

    The nodes that run the scalable application server are in the scalable application server resource group nodelist.

  8. Ensure that you can startup and stop the application server from each node, and verify that the log files are in the correct location.

  9. Install the SAP logon group if you use a logon group.