Sun Cluster 3.0 5/02 Supplement

How to Remove a Node From All Disk Device Groups (5/02)

Use this procedure to remove a cluster node from all disk device groups that list the node in their lists of potential primaries.

  1. Become superuser on the node you want to remove as a potential primary of all disk device groups.

  2. Determine the disk device group(s) of which the node to be removed is a member that are under volume management control.

    Look for the node name in the Device group node list for each disk device group.

    # scconf -p | grep ¨Device group¨

  3. Are any of the disk device groups identified in Step 2 of the device group type SDS?

  4. Are any of the disk device groups identified in Step 2 of the device group type VxVM?

  5. Determine the raw disk device groups of which the node to be removed is a member.

    Note that the following command contains two "v"s in -pvv. The second "v" is needed to display raw disk device groups.

    # scconf -pvv | grep ¨Device group¨

  6. Are any of the disk device groups listed in Step 5 of the device group types Disk, Local_Disk, or both?

  7. Verify that the node has been removed from the potential primaries list of all disk device groups.

    The command returns nothing if the node is no longer listed as a potential primary of any disk device group.

    # scconf -pvv | grep ¨Device group¨ | grep nodename