Sun Cluster 3.0 5/02 Supplement

Creating a Service Using GDS in the Agent Builder

  1. Bring up the SunPlex Agent Builder.

    # /usr/cluster/bin/scdsbuilder

  2. The SunPlex Agent Builder panel appears.

  3. Enter the Vendor Name.

  4. Enter the Application Name.

    only -

    The combination of Vendor and Application Name may not contain more than nine characters. It will be used as the name of the package for the driving scripts.

  5. Enter the Working Directory. You can use the Browse pulldown to select the directory rather than typing the path.

  6. Select whether the data service is scalable or failover.

  7. You do not need to select Network Aware since that is the default when creating the GDS.

  8. Select GDS.

  9. Click the Create button to create the driving scripts.

  10. The SunPlex Agent Builder panel displays the results of the creation of the service. The Create button is grayed out and the Next button is now available.
