Sun Cluster 3.0 12/01 Release Notes Supplement

Bug ID 4525403

Problem Summary: VxFS installation adds the following line to the /etc/system file:

* vxfs_START -- do not remove the following lines:
* VxFS requires a stack size greater than the default 8K.
* The following values allow the kernel stack size
* for nfs threads to be increased to 16K.
set rpcmod:svc_default_stksize=0x4000
* vxfs_END

If you install VxFS after Sun Cluster software has been installed, the VxFS installation overrides the following required Sun Cluster 3.0 12/01 setting in the /etc/system file:

* Start of lines added by SUNWscr
set rpcmod:svc_default_stksize=0x6000

Workaround: Change the setting value from 0x4000 to 0x6000.

set rpcmod:svc_default_stksize=0x6000