Sun Cluster 3.0 12/01 Release Notes Supplement

How to Correct Mismatched DID Numbers

Use this section to correct mismatched device ID (DID) numbers that might appear during the creation of A1000 LUNs. You correct the mismatch by deleting Solaris and Sun Cluster paths to the LUNs that have DID numbers that are different. After rebooting, the paths are corrected.

Note -

Use this procedure only if you are directed to do so from "How to Create a LUN".

  1. From one node that is connected to the StorEdge/Netra st A1000 array, use the format command to determine the paths to the LUN(s) that have different DID numbers:

    # format

  2. Remove the paths to the LUN(s) that have different DID numbers:

    # rm /dev/rdsk/cNtXdY*
    # rm /dev/dsk/cNtXdY*
    # rm /dev/osa/dev/dsk/cNtXdY*
    # rm /dev/osa/dev/rdsk/cNtXdY*

  3. Use the lad command to determine the alternate paths to the LUN(s) that have different DID numbers.

    The RAID Manager software creates two paths to the LUN in the /dev/osa/dev/rdsk directory. Substitute the cNtXdY number from the other array in the disk array to determine the alternate path.

    For example, with this configuration:

    # lad
    c0t5d0 1T93600714 LUNS: 0 1
    c1t4d0 1T93500595 LUNS: 2

    The alternate paths would be as follows.


  4. Remove the alternate paths to the LUN(s) that have different DID numbers:

    # rm /dev/osa/dev/dsk/cNtXdY*
    # rm /dev/osa/dev/rdsk/cNtXdY*

  5. On both nodes, remove all obsolete DIDs:

    # scdidadm -C

  6. Switch resources and device groups off the node:

    # scswitch -Sh nodename

  7. Shut down the node:

    # shutdown -y -g0 -i0

  8. Boot the node and wait for it to rejoin the cluster:

    # boot -r

  9. Repeat Step 1 through Step 8 on the other node that is attached to the StorEdge/Netra st A1000 array.

  10. Return to "How to Create a LUN".