Sun Cluster 3.0 12/01 Release Notes Supplement

Standard Data Service Configurations

Use the standard configurations in this section to plan the installation and configuration of Sun Cluster HA for SAP. Sun Cluster HA for SAP supports the standard configurations in this section. Sun Cluster HA for SAP might support additional configurations. However, you must contact your Enterprise Services representative for information on additional configurations.

Figure B-1 Four-Node Cluster with Central Instance, Application Servers, and Database


Figure B-2 Two-Node Cluster with Central Instance, NFS, and Non-HA External Application Servers


Note -

The configuration in Figure B-2 was a common configuration under previous Sun Cluster releases. To use the Sun Cluster software to the fullest extent, configure SAP as shown in Figure B-1 or Figure B-3.

Figure B-3 Two-Node Cluster With Central Instance and Development Node
