Sun Cluster 3.0 12/01 Release Notes Supplement

Software Installation Guide

The following subsections describe omissions or new information that will be added to the next publishing of the Software Installation Guide.

Maximum Number of Metadevice Names Per Diskset

The Sun Cluster 3.0 12/01 Software Installation Guide incorrectly states that the maximum number of metadevice names per diskset is 8192. The correct maximum is 1024 metadevice names per diskset.

Maximum Number of Disksets Per Cluster

The Sun Cluster 3.0 12/01 Software Installation Guide statement, "The cluster can have a maximum of 32 disksets" is misleading. The maximum number of disksets per cluster is 31, not including the diskset for private disk management.

Upgrading to a Sun Cluster 3.0 Software Update Release

The following is a correction to Step 8 of "How to Upgrade to a Sun Cluster 3.0 Software Update Release" in the Sun Cluster 3.0 12/01 Software Installation Guide.


    (Optional) Upgrade Solaris 8 software.

    1. Temporarily comment out all global device entries in the /etc/vfstab file.

      Do this to prevent the Solaris upgrade from attempting to mount the global devices.

    2. Shut down the node to upgrade.

      # shutdown -y -g0

    3. Follow instructions in the installation guide for the Solaris 8 Maintenance Update version you want to upgrade to.

      Note -

      Do not reboot the node when prompted to reboot.

    4. Uncomment all global device entries that you commented out in Step a in the /a/etc/vfstab file.

    5. Install any Solaris software patches and hardware-related patches, and download any needed firmware contained in the hardware patches.

      If any patches require rebooting, reboot the node in non-cluster mode as described in Step f.

    6. Reboot the node in non-cluster mode.

      Include the double dashes (--) and two quotation marks (") in the command.

      # reboot -- "-x"