Sun Cluster 3.0 5/02 增補

範例 - 配置 RGOffload 資源

此範例說明如何配置 RGOffload 資源 (rgofl)、含有 RGOffload 資源的重要資源群組 (oracle_rg) 以及當重要的資源群組上線運作時即卸載的延伸性資源群組 (IWS-SC, IWS-SC-2)。此範例中的重要資源為 oracle-server-rs

在此範例中,可在 triped 叢集的任何節點上控制 oracle_rgIWS-SCIWS-SC-2phys-triped-1phys-triped-2phys-triped-3

[Determine whether the SUNW.RGOffload resource type is registered.]
# scrgadm -p|egrep SUNW.RGOffload
[If needed, register the resource type.]
# scrgadm -a -t SUNW.RGOffload
[Set the Desired_primaries to zero in each resource group to be offloaded by 
the RGOffload resource.]
# scrgadm -c -g IWS-SC-2 -y Desired_primaries=0
# scrgadm -c -g IWS-SC -y Desired_primaries=0
[Add the RGOffload resource to the critical resource group and set the extension properties.]
# scrgadm -aj rgofl -t SUNW.RGOffload -g oracle_rg \
-x rg_to_offload=IWS-SC,IWS-SC-2 -x continue_to_offload=TRUE \
-x max_offload_retry=15
[Enable the RGOffload resource.]
# scswitch -ej rgofl
[Set the dependency of the critical failover resource to the RGOffload resource.]
# scrgadm -c -j oracle-server-rs -y Resource_dependencies=rgofl
[Bring the resource groups to be offloaded online on all nodes.]
# scswitch -z -g IWS-SC,IWS-SC-2 -h phys-triped-1,phys-triped-2,phys-triped-3
[If the critical failover resource group is not online, bring it online.]
# scswitch -Z -g oracle_rg