Sun Cluster 3.1 Release Notes

Siebel Gateway Probe May Time Out When a Public Network Fails (4764204)

Problem Summary: Failure of a public network may cause the Siebel gateway probe to time out and eventually cause the Siebel gateway resource to go offline. This may occur if the node on which the Siebel gateway is running has a path beginning with /home which depends on network resources such as NFS and NIS. Without the public network, the Siebel gateway probe hangs while trying to open a file on/home, causing the probe to time out.

Workaround: Complete the following steps for all nodes of the cluster which can host the Siebel gateway.

  1. Ensure that the passwd, group, and project entries in /etc/nsswitch.conf refer only to files and not to nis.

  2. Ensure that there are no NFS or NIS dependencies for any path starting with /home.

    You may have either a locally mounted /home path or rename the /home mount point to /export/home or some name which does not start with /home.

  3. In the /etc/auto_master file, comment out the line containing the entry +auto_master. Also comment out any /home entries using auto_home.

  4. In etc/auto_home, comment out the line containing +auto_home.