Sun Cluster 3.1 10/03 System Administration Guide

Administering Cluster File Systems Overview

No special Sun Cluster commands are necessary for cluster file system administration. Administer a cluster file system as you would any other Solaris file system, using standard Solaris file system commands, such as mount, newfs, and so on. Mount cluster file systems by specifying the -g option to the mount command. Cluster file systems can also be automatically mounted at boot.

Note –

When the cluster file system reads files, the file system does not update the access time on those files.

Guidelines to Support VxFS

The following VxFS features are not supported in a Sun Cluster 3.1 configuration.

Cache advisories can be used, but the effect is observed on the given node only.

All other VxFS features and options that are supported in a cluster configuration are supported by Sun Cluster 3.1 software. See VxFS documentation for details about VxFS options that are supported in a cluster configuration.

The following guidelines for how to use VxFS to create highly available cluster file systems are specific to a Sun Cluster 3.1 configuration.

The following guidelines for how to administer VxFS cluster file systems are not specific to Sun Cluster 3.1 software. However, the guidelines are different from the way you administer UFS cluster file systems.