Sun Cluster 3.1 10/03 System Administration Guide

How to Launch SunPlex Manager From the Sun Management Center Web Console

Note –

You must possess the solaris.cluster.gui Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) authorization to log into SunPlex Manager. You can learn more about RBAC authorizations in “Role-Based Access Control (Overview)” in System Administration Guide: Security Services, “Role-Based Access Control (Reference)” in System Administration Guide: Security Services, and in Chapter 2, Sun Cluster and RBAC.

  1. Log in to the Sun Management Center Web Console.

    The default port number is 6789.


  2. Click the SunPlex Manager icon.

    A new browser window opens. SunPlex Manager starts.

  3. To exit SunPlex Manager, click Log Out at the top, right corner of the SunPlex Manager workspace page.

    SunPlex Manager exits.