Sun Cluster 3.1 10/03 Data Services Developer's Guide

Resource Group Properties

The following table describes the resource group properties defined by Sun Cluster. The property values are categorized as follows (in the Category column):

The Can Be Updated? column shows whether the property can be updated (Y) or not (N) after it is initially set.

Table A–3 Resource Group Properties

Property Name 


Can Be Updated? 


Auto_start_on_new_cluster (Boolean)

This property disallows automatic startup of the Resource Group when a new cluster is forming. 


The default is TRUE. If set to TRUE, the Resource Group Manager attempts to start the resource group automatically to achieve Desired_primaries when the cluster is rebooted. If set to FALSE, the Resource Group does not start automatically when the cluster reboots.


Desired_primaries (integer)

The number of nodes where the group is desired to be online at once. 

The default is 1. If the RG_mode property is Failover, the value of this property must be no greater than 1. If the RG_mode property is Scalable, a value greater than 1 is allowed.


Failback (Boolean)

A Boolean value that indicates whether to recalculate the set of nodes where the group is online when the cluster membership changes. A recalculation can cause the RGM to bring the group offline on less preferred nodes and online on more preferred nodes. 

The default is False.


Global_resources_used (string array)

Indicates whether cluster file systems are used by any resource in this resource group. Legal values that the administrator can specify are an asterisk (*) to indicate all global resources, and the empty string (“”) to indicate no global resources. 

The default is all global resources. 


Implicit_network_dependencies (Boolean)

A Boolean value that indicates, when True, that the RGM should enforce implicit strong dependencies of non-network-address resources on network-address resources within the group. Network-address resources include the logical host name and shared address resource types.

In a scalable resource group, this property has no effect because a scalable resource group does not contain any network-address resources. 

The default is True.


Maximum_primaries (integer)

The maximum number of nodes where the group might be online at once. 

The default is 1. If the RG_mode property is Failover, the value of this property must be no greater than 1. If the RG_mode property is Scalable, a value greater than 1 is allowed.


Nodelist (string array)

A list of cluster nodes where the group can be brought online in order of preference. These nodes are known as the potential primaries or masters of the resource group. 

The default is the list of all cluster nodes. 


Pathprefix (string)

A directory in the cluster file system in which resources in the group can write can write essential administrative files. Some resources might require this property. Make Pathprefix unique for each resource group.

The default is the empty string. 


Pingpong_interval (integer)

A non-negative integer value (in seconds) used by the RGM to determine where to bring the resource group online in the event of a reconfiguration or as the result of a scha_control -O GIVEOVER command or scha_control() function with the SCHA_GIVEOVER argument being executed.

In the event of a reconfiguration, if the resource group fails to come online more than once within the past Pingpong_interval seconds on a particular node (because the resource's Start or Prenet_start method exited non-zero or timed out), that node is considered ineligible to host the resource group and the RGM looks for another master.

If a call to a resource's scha_control command or scha_control() function causes the resource group to be brought offline on a particular node within the past Pingpong_interval seconds, that node is ineligible to host the resource group as the result of a subsequent call to scha_control() originating from another node.

The default value is 3,600 (one hour). 


Resource_list (string array)

The list of resources that are contained in the group. The administrator does not set this property directly. Rather, the RGM updates this property as the administrator adds or removes resources from the resource group. 

The default is the empty list. 


RG_description (string)

A brief description of the resource group. 

The default is the empty string. 


RG_mode (enum)

Indicates whether the resource group is a failover or scalable group. If the value is Failover, the RGM sets the Maximum_primaries property of the group to 1 and restricts the resource group to being mastered by a single node.

If the value of this property is Scalable, the RGM allows the Maximum_primaries property to have a value greater than 1, meaning the group can be mastered by multiple nodes simultaneously. The RGM does not allow a resource whose Failover property is True to be added to a resource group whose RG_mode is Scalable.

The default is Failover if Maximum_primaries is 1 and Scalable if Maximum_primaries is greater than 1.


RG_name (string)

The name of the resource group. This name must be unique within the cluster. 


RG_project_name (string)

The Solaris project name associated with the resource group. Use this property to apply Solaris resource management features such as CPU shares and resource pools to cluster data services. When the RGM brings resource groups online, it launches the related processes under this project name for resources that do not have the Resource_project_name property set. The specified project name must exist in the projects database and the user root must be configured as a member of the named project.

This property is only supported starting in Solaris 9. 

Note –

Changes to this property take effect after the resource has been restarted.

Any time 


RG_state on each cluster node (enum)

Set by the RGM to Online, Offline, Pending_online, Pending_offline, Pending_online_blocked, Error_stop_failed, or Online_faulted to describe the state of the group on each cluster node.

This property is not user configurable. However, you can indirectly set this property by invoking scswitch(1M) (or by using the equivalent scsetup(1M) or SunPlex Manager commands).
