Sun Cluster 3.1 10/03 Release Notes

Documentation Issues

This section discusses known errors or omissions for documentation, online help, or man pages and steps to correct these problems.

Caution – Caution –

Sun Cluster 3.1 10/03 does not support RSM Transport. All references to RSM transport appearing in the Sun Cluster documentation collection must be disregarded.

Software Installation Guide

This section discusses known errors or omissions from the Sun Cluster 3.1 10/03 Software Installation Guide.

SunPlex Manager Online Help

This section discusses errors and omissions in SunPlex Manager online help.

Sun Cluster HA for Oracle

In the online help file that is titled “Sun Cluster HA for Oracle,” in the section titled “Before Starting,” a note is incorrect.


If no entries exist for shmsys and semsys in /etc/system, default values for these variables are automatically inserted in/etc/system. The system must then be rebooted. Check Oracle installation documentation to verify that these values are correct for your database.


If no entries exist for the shmsys and semsys variables in the /etc/system file when you install the Oracle data service, you can open /etc/system and insert default values for these variables. You must then reboot the system. Check Oracle installation documentation to verify that the values that you insert are correct for your database.

Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) (4895087)

In the table under "Sun Cluster RBAC Rights Profiles," the authorizations solaris.cluster.appinstall and solaris.cluster.install should be listed under the Cluster Management profile rather than the Cluster Operation profile.

In the table under “Sun Cluster RBAC Rights Profiles,” under the profile Sun Cluster Commands, sccheck(1M) should also be included in the list of commands.

System Administration Guide

This section discusses errors and omissions from the Sun Cluster 3.1 10/03 System Administration Guide.

Simple Root Disk Groups With VERITAS Volume Manager

Simple root disk groups are not supported as disk types with VERITAS Volume Manager on Sun Cluster software. As a result, if you perform the procedure “How to Restore a Non-Encapsulated root (/) File System (VERITAS Volume Manager)” in the Sun Cluster 3.1 System Administration Guide, you should ignore Step 9, which asks you to determine if the root disk group (rootdg) is on a single slice on the root disk. You would complete Step 1 through Step 8, skip Step 9, and proceed with Step 10 to the end of the procedure.

Changing the Number of Node Attachments to a Quorum Device

When increasing or decreasing the number of node attachments to a quorum device, the quorum vote count is not automatically recalculated. You can re-establish the correct quorum vote if you remove all quorum devices and then add them back into the configuration.

Error Messages Guide

Certain error messages related to Sun Cluster data services are missing from the Error Messages Guide. For a list of error messages that did not get included in the documentation collection, see Sun Cluster 3.1 Data Services 10/03 Release Notes

Data Services Collection

Errors and omissions related to the Data Services documentation are described in the Sun Cluster 3.1 Data Services 10/03 Release Notes.

Man Pages

Thi section discusses errors and omissions from the Sun Cluster man pages.


The scconf_transp_adap_sci(1M) man page states that SCI transport adapters can be used with the rsm transport type. This support statement is incorrect. SCI transport adapters do not support the rsm transport type. SCI transport adapters support the dlpi transport type only.


The following sentence clarifies the name of an SCI–PCI adapter. This information is not currently included in the scconf_transp_adap_sci(1M) man page.

New Information:

Use the name sciN to specify an SCI adapter.


The following paragraph clarifies behavior of the scgdevs command. This information is not currently included in the scgdevs(1M) man page.

New Information:

scgdevs(1M) called from the local node will perform its work on remote nodes asynchronously. Therefore, command completion on the local node does not necessarily mean it has completed its work cluster wide.


In this release, the current API_version has been incremented to 3 from its previous value of 2. If you are developing a new Sun Cluster agent and wish to prevent your new resource type from being registered on an earlier version of Sun Cluster software, declare API_version=3 in your agent's RTR file. For more information, see rt_reg(4) and rt_properties(5).

Sun Cluster 3.0 Data Service Man Pages

To display Sun Cluster 3.0 data service man pages, install the latest patches for the Sun Cluster 3.0 data services that you installed on Sun Cluster 3.1 10/03 software. See Patches and Required Firmware Levels for more information.

After you have applied the patch, access the Sun Cluster 3.0 data service man pages by issuing the man -M command with the full man page path as the argument. The following example opens the Apache man page.

% man -M /opt/SUNWscapc/man SUNW.apache

Consider modifying your MANPATH to enable access to Sun Cluster 3.0 data service man pages without specifying the full path. The following example describes command input for adding the Apache man page path to your MANPATH and displaying the Apache man page.

% MANPATH=/opt/SUNWscapc/man:$MANPATH; export MANPATH
% man SUNW.apache