Sun Cluster 3.1 Data Service for Apache Tomcat Guide

Installing the Sun Cluster HA for Apache Tomcat Packages

If you did not install the Sun Cluster HA for Apache Tomcat packages during your initial Sun Cluster installation, perform this procedure to install the packages. Perform this procedure on each cluster node where you are installing the Sun Cluster HA for Apache Tomcat packages. To complete this procedure, you need the Sun Cluster Agents CD-ROM.

If you are installing more than one data service simultaneously, perform the procedure in “Installing the Software” in Sun Cluster 3.1 10/03 Software Installation Guide.

Install the Sun Cluster HA for Apache Tomcat packages by using one of the following installation tools:

Note –

The Web Start program is not available in releases earlier than Sun Cluster 3.1 Data Services 10/03.

How to Install the Sun Cluster HA for Apache Tomcat Packages by Using the Web Start Program

You can run the Web Start program with a command-line interface (CLI) or with a graphical user interface (GUI). The content and sequence of instructions in the CLI and the GUI are similar. For more information about the Web Start program, see the installer(1M) man page.

  1. On the cluster node where you are installing the Sun Cluster HA for Apache Tomcat packages, become superuser.

  2. (Optional) If you intend to run the Web Start program with a GUI, ensure that your DISPLAY environment variable is set.

  3. Load the Sun Cluster Agents CD-ROM into the CD-ROM drive.

    If the Volume Management daemon vold(1M) is running and configured to manage CD-ROM devices, it automatically mounts the CD-ROM on the /cdrom/scdataservices_3_1_vb directory.

  4. Change to the Sun Cluster HA for Apache Tomcat component directory of the CD-ROM.

    The Web Start program for the Sun Cluster HA for Apache Tomcat data service resides in this directory.

    # cd /cdrom/scdataservices_3_1_vb/components/SunCluster_HA_APACHE_TC_3.1
  5. Start the Web Start program.

    # ./installer
  6. When you are prompted, select the type of installation.

    • To install only the C locale, select Typical.

    • To install other locales, select Custom.

  7. Follow instructions on the screen to install the Sun Cluster HA for Apache Tomcat packages on the node.

    After the installation is finished, the Web Start program provides an installation summary. This summary enables you to view logs that the Web Start program created during the installation. These logs are located in the /var/sadm/install/logs directory.

  8. Exit the Web Start program.

  9. Unload the Sun Cluster Agents CD-ROM from the CD-ROM drive.

    1. To ensure that the CD-ROM is not being used, change to a directory that does not reside on the CD-ROM.

    2. Eject the CD-ROM.

      # eject cdrom

How to Install the Sun Cluster HA for Apache Tomcat Packages by Using the scinstall Utility

Use this procedure to install the Sun Cluster HA for Apache Tomcat package on SC3.1. You need the Sun Cluster Agents CD-ROM to perform this procedure. It is assumed that you did not install the data service during your initial Sun Cluster installation.

If you installed Sun Cluster HA for Apache Tomcat as part of your initial Sun Cluster installation, proceed to Registering and Configuring Sun Cluster HA for Apache Tomcat.

Otherwise, use this procedure to install the Sun Cluster HA for Apache Tomcat packages. Perform this procedure on all nodes that can run Sun Cluster HA for Apache Tomcat.

  1. Load the Sun Cluster Agents CD-ROM into the CD-ROM drive.

  2. Run the scinstall utility with no options.

    The scinstall utility prompts you for additional information.

  3. Chose the menu option, Add Support for New Data Service to this Cluster Node

    This step starts the scinstall utility in interactive mode.

  4. Provide the pathname to the Sun Cluster Agents CD-ROM.

    The utility refers to the CD as “data services cd.”

  5. Chose the menu option, q) done.

  6. Type yes on the question, Do you want to see more data services

    The utility refers to the CD as “data services cd.”

  7. Specify the data service to install.

    The scinstall utility lists the data service which you selected and asks you to confirm your choice.

  8. Exit the scinstall utility.

  9. Unload the CD from the CD-ROM drive