Sun Cluster 3.1 Data Service for Oracle E-Business Suite Guide

Installing and Configuring Oracle E-Business Suite

This section contains the procedures you need to install and configure Oracle E-Business Suite.

How to Install and Configure Oracle E-Business Suite

Use this procedure to install and configure Oracle E-Business Suite.

Throughout the following next sections, references will be made to certain values for the deployment of Oracle E-Business Suite. The following list shows these values used in subsequent examples.

Note –

For this section, follow Oracle's Oracle Applications, Installing Oracle Applications manual to install Oracle E-Business Suite.

  1. Determine how Oracle E-Business Suite will be deployed in Sun Cluster – Here you need to determine how Oracle E-Business Suite will be deployed.

    1. Determine which installation method will be used with Oracle's rapid install program rapidwiz.

    2. Determine which Cluster File System will be used by Oracle E-Business Suite.

  2. Ensure that the Logical Hostname for Oracle E-Business Suite is available – Depending on how Oracle E-Business Suite is deployed using rapidwiz, you need to ensure that each Logical Hostname used by rapidwiz is available.

    Note –

    To do this you will need to complete steps 1–9 in section How to Register and Configure Sun Cluster HA for Oracle E-Business Suite as a Failover Service

  3. Mount the Oracle E-Business Suite Cluster File Systems – After you have determined how Oracle E-Business Suite will be deployed within Sun Cluster, you must ensure the Cluster File System is mounted.

    Note –

    If Failover File Systems will be used by the Oracle E-Business Suite instance, you must mount these manually.

  4. Install Oracle E-Business Suite using rapidwiz – It is recommended that Oracle E-Business Suite be installed onto a Global File System, however for a discussion of the advantages and disadvantages of installing the software on local versus cluster files systems, see “Determining the Location of the Application Binaries” on page 3 of the Sun Cluster Data Services Installation and Configuration Guide.

    1. Run rapidwiz to build the config.txt file for the Oracle E-Business Suite deployment you have chosen for example single-node, two-node or multi-node.

    2. Save the config.txt file for Oracle E-Business Suite for example /var/tmp/config.txt

    3. Run rapidwiz for each Logical Hostname that was used when building the config.txt file, using the -servername parameter.

      # rapidwiz -servername <Logical Hostname>

      Note –

      After the Concurrent Manager has been installed using rapidwiz, you need to amend the Concurrent Manager Listener listener.ora file so that it can listen on the Logical Hostname. This next step needs to be completed before continuing with rapidwiz for the Web Server and Forms Server installation of Oracle E-Business Suite.

    4. Amend the Concurrent Manager Listener listener.ora file so that it recognizes the Logical Hostname.

      Note –

      The output from the following grep commands are used as input to subsequent commands, for example the output from the grep command will normally be used in the next command, usually well known directories and/or file names will be added to obtain further information or simply edited.

      # grep PROD.CON_COMNTOP /var/tmp/config.txt
      # su ebs
      # cd /global/mnt10/d01/oracle/prodcomn/admin/scripts/PROD
      # ./ stop
      # ./ stop apps/apps
      # grep ORA_ENVFILE=
      # grep TNS_ADMIN= /global/mnt10/d01/oracle/prodora/8.0.6/PROD.env
      # vi /global/mnt10/d01/oracle/prodora/8.0.6/network/admin/PROD/listener.ora
      		Add LD_PRELOAD_32=/usr/lib/secure/
      		and LHOSTNAME=<Logical Hostname>
      		to the envs= parameter for the SID_NAME=FNDSM_<SID> enrty

      Note –

      The following shows the contents of the listener.ora file after it has been modified. If autoconfig is used after listener.ora has been modified, you will need to reapply these changes, that is autoconfig will back out these changes so you will need to reapply them. The following text has been indented slightly so that it fits the page.

      # more /global/mnt10/d01/oracle/prodora/8.0.6/network/admin/PROD/listener.ora
      # $Header: admk80ln_ux.sql 115.7 2002/05/17 10:10:59 pkm ship        $
      # LISTENER.ORA For Oracle Applications
      # This file is automatically generated
      APPS_PROD =
        (ADDRESS_LIST =
          (ADDRESS= (PROTOCOL= TCP)(Host= lhost1)(Port= 1626))
        (SID_LIST =
          ( SID_DESC = ( SID_NAME = FNDSM_PROD )
              ( ORACLE_HOME = /global/mnt10/d01/oracle/prodora/8.0.6 )
              ( PROGRAM = /global/mnt10/d01/oracle/prodappl/fnd/11.5.0/bin/FNDSM )
              ( envs='LD_PRELOAD_32=/usr/lib/secure/, \
      		             LHOSTNAME=lhost1, \
      		MYAPPSORA=/global/mnt10/d01/oracle/prodappl/APPSORA.env, \
      		DISPLAY=clusterix1:0.0,PATH=/usr/bin:/usr/ccs/bin:/bin, \
      		FNDSM_SCRIPT=/global/mnt10/d01/oracle/prodappl/fnd/11.5.0/bin/' )
          ( SID_DESC = ( SID_NAME = FNDFS  )
              ( ORACLE_HOME = /global/mnt10/d01/oracle/prodora/8.0.6 )
              ( PROGRAM = /global/mnt10/d01/oracle/prodappl/fnd/11.5.0/bin/FNDFS )
      		LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/dt/lib:/usr/openwin/lib: \
      		/global/mnt10/d01/oracle/prodora/8.0.6/lib, \
      		SHLIB_PATH=/usr/lib:/usr/dt/lib:/usr/openwin/lib: \
      		/global/mnt10/d01/oracle/prodora/8.0.6/lib, \
      		LIBPATH=/usr/dt/lib:/usr/openwin/lib: \
      		/global/mnt10/d01/oracle/prodora/8.0.6/lib' )
      LOG_DIRECTORY_APPS_PROD = /global/mnt10/d01/oracle/prodora/8.0.6/network/admin
      TRACE_DIRECTORY_APPS_PROD = /global/mnt10/d01/oracle/prodora/8.0.6/network/admin
    5. Create a symbolic link for

      To facilitate Oracle E-Business Suite working with a Logical Hostname the program is supplied to interrupt the system call when retrieving the hostname and instead return the Logical Hostname.

      Note –

      The interrupted system call is only made whenever the Concurrent Manager Listener is running and when the Concurrent Manager Server is started or stopped.

      The library that contains the program must reside in a secure library in order to prevent warning messages whenever such a system call is made.

      To facilitate the library being within a secure directory, you need to create the following symbolic link on all nodes within Sun Cluster that will host the Sun Cluster HA for Oracle E-Business Suite data service.

      # cd /usr/lib/secure
      # ln -s /opt/SUNWscebs/cmg/lib/32/

      If you do not want to have


      running from a secure library, you will need to do the following.

      Amend the previous step (that is step 4d) to replace



      /opt/SUNWscebs/cmg/lib/32/, for example


      Furthermore, when registering the Concurrent Manager Resource, you will need to specify that you are not using a secure library, however this is explained within step 13 in section How to Register and Configure Sun Cluster HA for Oracle E-Business Suite as a Failover Service

      Running /opt/SUNWscebs/cmg/lib/32/ outside of a secure library will cause similar warning messages to appear, however these can be ignored. <cmd>: warning: /opt/SUNWscebs/cmg/lib/32/ 
      open failed: illegal insecure pathname
    6. Copy the <Logical_hostname>_<dbname>.bdc file to prefix the physical hostname of the Sun Cluster nodes, instead of the logical hostname. This is required for Client access. In this example the logical hostname is lhost1 and the physical Sun Cluster nodes are clusterix1 and clusterix2.

      # grep PROD.FRM_APPLTOP= /var/tmp/config.txt
      # cd /global/mnt11/d01/oracle/prodappl/fnd/11.5.0/secure
      # cp lhost1_prod.dbc clusterix1_prod.dbc
      # cp lhost1_prod.dbc clusterix2_prod.dbc