Sun Cluster 3.1 Data Service for Oracle E-Business Suite Guide

Registering and Configuring Sun Cluster HA for Oracle E-Business Suite

This section contains the procedures you need to configure Sun Cluster HA for Oracle E-Business Suite.

How to Register and Configure Sun Cluster HA for Oracle E-Business Suite as a Failover Service

Use this procedure to configure Sun Cluster HA for Oracle E-Business Suite as a failover data service. This procedure assumes that you installed the data service packages during your initial Sun Cluster installation.

If you did not install the Sun Cluster HA for Oracle E-Business Suite packages as part of your initial Sun Cluster installation, go to How to Install the Sun Cluster HA for Oracle E-Business Suite Packages by Using the scinstall Utility.

Otherwise, use this procedure to configure the Sun Cluster HA for Oracle E-Business Suite data service as a failover service.

Note –

Depending on how you installed Oracle E-Business Suite using rapidwiz you may need to repeat some of the next steps, for example if a two-node installation was performed you will require two Failover Resource Groups (step 6) an additional SUNW.HAStoragePlus (step7) and Logical Hostname (step 8 ) resources, in separate resource groups.

  1. Become superuser on one of the nodes in the cluster that will host Oracle E-Business Suite.

  2. Register the SUNW.gds resource type.

    # scrgadm -a -t SUNW.gds
  3. Register the SUNW.HAStoragePlus resource type.

    # scrgadm -a -t SUNW.HAStoragePlus
  4. Register the SUNW.oracle_server and SUNW.oracle_listener resource type.

    # scrgadm -a -t SUNW.oracle_server
    # scrgadm -a -t SUNW.oracle_listener
  5. Register the SUNW.apache resource type.

    # scrgadm -a -t SUNW.apache
  6. Create a failover resource group .

    # scrgadm -a -g Oracle E-Business Suite-failover-resource-group
  7. Create a resource for the Oracle E-Business Suite Disk Storage.

    # scrgadm -a -j Oracle E-Business Suite-has-resource  \
    -g Oracle E-Business Suite-failover-resource-group   \
    -t SUNW.HAStoragePlus  \
    -x FilesystemMountPoints=Oracle E-Business Suite- instance-mount-points
  8. Create a resource for the Oracle E-Business Suite Logical Hostname.

    # scrgadm -a -L -j Oracle E-Business Suite-lh-resource  \
    -g Oracle E-Business Suite-failover-resource-group  \
    -l Oracle E-Business Suite-logical-hostname
  9. Enable the failover resource group that now includes the Oracle E-Business Suite Disk Storage and Logical Hostname resources.

    # scswitch -Z -g Oracle E-Business Suite-failover-resource-group
  10. Create a resource for the Oracle E-Business Suite Oracle Database.

    Note –

    For detailed information about Sun Cluster HA for Oracle please refer to the Sun Cluster Data Services Installation and Configuration Guide.

    # grep PROD.DBS_ORA816 /var/tmp/config.txt
    # scrgadm -a -j Oracle E-Business Suite-ORACLE-resource \
    -t SUNW.oracle_server  \
    -g  Oracle E-Business Suite-failover-resource-group\
    -x Connect_string=apps/apps -x ORACLE_SID=PROD \
    -x ORACLE_HOME=/global/mnt10/d02/oracle/proddb/8.1.7  \
    -x Alert_log_file=/global/mnt10/d02/oracle/proddb/8.1.7/ \
    # scswitch -e -j Oracle E-Business Suite-ORACLE-resource
  11. Create a resource for the Oracle E-Business Suite Oracle Listener.

    Note –

    For detailed information about Sun Cluster HA for Oracle please refer to the Sun Cluster Data Services Installation and Configuration Guide.

    Note –

    In the example below, the copy_env script is used to copy and format the PROD.env file to PROD_ha.env, which is later used by the User_env extension property for the Oracle Listener resource.

    # grep PROD.DBS_ORA816= /var/tmp/config.txt
    # cd /opt/SUNWscebs/cmg/util
    # ./copy_env /global/mnt10/d02/oracle/proddb/8.1.7 PROD
    # scrgadm -a -j Oracle E-Business Suite-ORALSR-resource \
    -t SUNW.oracle_listener  \
    -g  Oracle E-Business Suite-failover-resource-group\
    -x Listener_name=PROD\
    -x ORACLE_HOME=/global/mnt10/d02/oracle/proddb/8.1.7 \
    -x User_env=/global/mnt10/d02/oracle/proddb/8.1.7/PROD_ha.env
    # scswitch -e -j Oracle E-Business Suite-ORALSR-resource
  12. Create a resource for the Oracle E-Business Suite Concurrent Manager Listener.

    Note –

    In the example below, the copy_env script is used to copy and format the PROD.env file to PROD_ha.env, which is later used by within the User_env extension property for the Concurrent Manager Listener resource.

    # grep PROD.CON_ORA806= /var/tmp/config.txt
    # cd /opt/SUNWscebs/cmg/util
    # ./copy_env /global/mnt10/d01/oracle/prodora/8.0.6 PROD
    # scrgadm -a -j Oracle E-Business Suite-CMGLSR-resource \
    -t SUNW.oracle_listener  \
    -x Listener_name=APPS_PROD\
    -x ORACLE_HOME=/global/mnt10/d01/oracle/prodora/8.0.6 \
    -x User_env=/global/mnt10/d01/oracle/prodora/8.0.6/PROD_ha.env
    # scswitch -e -j Oracle E-Business Suite-CMGLSR-resource
  13. Create a resource for the Oracle E-Business Suite Concurrent Manager Server.

    # grep PROD.CON_COMNTOP /var/tmp/config.txt
    PROD.CON_COMNTOP=/global/mnt10/d01/oracle/prodcomn		<- CON_COMNTOP
    # grep PROD.DBS_ORA816= /var/tmp/config.txt
    PROD.DBS_ORA816=/global/mnt10/d02/oracle/proddb/8.1.7	<- ORACLE_HOME
    # cd /opt/SUNWscebs/cmg/util

    Edit the cmg_config file and follow the comments with that file, for example

    # These parameters can be customized in (key=value) form
    #           RS - name of the resource for the application
    #           RG - name of the resource group containing RS
    #       HAS_RS - name of the HAStoragePlus SC resource
    #       LSR_RS - name of the Concurrent Manager Listener SC resource
    #     CON_HOST - name of the Concurrent Manager logical hostname
    #  CON_COMNTOP - name of the Concurrent Manager COMMON_TOP directory 
    # CON_APPSUSER - name of the Concurrent Manager application userid
    #      APP_SID - name of the application SID
    #  APPS_PASSWD - name of the password for the APPS userid
    #  ORACLE_HOME - name of the Oracle home directory
    #    CON_LIMIT - Minimum number of Concurrent Managers 
    #                represented as a percentage i.e. 70 = 70%
    #                (Note - Omit the % sign)
    #         MODE - Specifies if Oracle E-Business Suite is running
    #                32|64-bit code and if the LD_PRELOAD pathname
    #                will have a symlink in /usr/lib/secure
    #                       Default value = 32/Y
    #                (Note - Refer to the Sun Cluster 3.1 Data Service
    #                 for Oracle E-Business Suite for more information)

    The following is an example for Oracle E-Business Suite.


    If /opt/SUNWscebs/cmg/lib/32/ is not running as a secure library then you must amend MODE=32/Y to MODE=32/N. Refer back to step 4e in section How to Install and Configure Oracle E-Business Suite. After editing the cmg_config file you must now register the resource

    # ./cmg_register
    # scswitch -e -j Oracle E-Business Suite-CMG-resource
  14. Create a resource for the Oracle E-Business Suite Forms Server.

    # grep PROD.FRM_COMNTOP /var/tmp/config.txt
    PROD.FRM_COMNTOP=/global/mnt11/d01/oracle/prodcomn		<- FRM_COMNTOP
    # cd /opt/SUNWscebs/frm/util

    Edit the frm_config file and follow the comments with that file, for example

    # These parameters can be customized in (key=value) form
    #           RS - name of the resource for the application
    #           RG - name of the resource group containing RS
    #           LH - name of the LogicalHostname SC resource
    #       HAS_RS - name of the HAStoragePlus SC resource
    #  FRM_COMNTOP - name of the Forms COMMON_TOP directory 
    # FRM_APPSUSER - name of the Forms application userid
    #      APP_SID - name of the application SID

    The following is an example for Oracle E-Business Suite.


    After editing the frm_config file you must now register the resource

    # ./frm_register
    # scswitch -e -j Oracle E-Business Suite-FRM-resource
  15. Create a resource for the Oracle E-Business Suite Report Server.

    # grep PROD.ADM_COMNTOP /var/tmp/config.txt
    PROD.ADM_COMNTOP=/global/mnt10/d01/oracle/prodcomn		<- ADM_COMNTOP
    # cd /opt/SUNWscebs/rep/util

    Edit the rep_config file and follow the comments with that file, for example

    # These parameters can be customized in (key=value) form
    #           RS - name of the resource for the application
    #           RG - name of the resource group containing RS
    #           LH - name of the LogicalHostname SC resource
    #       HAS_RS - name of the HAStoragePlus SC resource
    #  ADM_COMNTOP - name of the Admin COMMON_TOP directory 
    # ADM_APPSUSER - name of the Admin application userid
    #      APP_SID - name of the application SID

    The following is an example for Oracle E-Business Suite.


    After editing the rep_config file you must now register the resource

    # ./rep_register
    # scswitch -e -j Oracle E-Business Suite-REP-resource
  16. Create a resource for the Oracle E-Business Suite Web Server (Apache).

    Note –

    For detailed information about Sun Cluster HA for Apache please refer to the Sun Cluster Data Services Installation and Configuration Guide.

    # grep PROD.WEB_COMNTOP /var/tmp/config.txt
    PROD.WEB_COMNTOP=/global/mnt11/d01/oracle/prodcomn		<- WEB_COMNTOP
    # cd /global/mnt11/d01/oracle/prodcomn/admin/scripts/PROD
    # ln -s apachectl 
    # vi (Add/modify the following)
    	Note: The output has been realigned to fit the page
     	Find control_code (/control_code)
    if test "$control_code" != "start" -a "$control_code" != "stop" \
       -a "$control_code" != "status" ; then
       printf "\n$program: You must either specify \
    			   'start', 'stop', 'status'\n\n"
       printf "\n$program: You must either specify \
    		      'start', 'stop', 'status'\n\n" >> $LOGFILE
       exit 1;
    	To (Note: We've simply added a test to allow "configtest"
    if test "$control_code" != "start" -a "$control_code" != "stop" \
       -a "$control_code" != "status" \
    				-a "$control_code" != "configtest" ; then      
       printf "\n$program: You must either specify \
    				'start', 'stop', 'status'\n\n"
       printf "\n$program: You must either specify \
    				'start', 'stop', 'status'\n\n" >> $LOGFILE
       exit 1;
    # scrgadm -a -j Oracle E-Business Suite-WEB-resource  \
    -t SUNW.apache  \
    -g  Oracle E-Business Suite-failover-resource-group\
    -y Port_list=8000/tcp\
    -x Bin_dir=/global/mnt11/d01/oracle/prodcomn/admin/scripts/PROD 
    # scswitch -e -j Oracle E-Business Suite-WEB-resource 
  17. Enable each Oracle E-Business Suite resource.

    # scstat 
    # scswitch -e -j Oracle E-Business Suite-resource