Sun Cluster 3.1 Data Service for Siebel Guide

Registering and Configuring Sun Cluster HA for Siebel

This section contains the procedures you need to configure Sun Cluster HA for Siebel.

Sun Cluster HA for Siebel Extension Properties

Use the extension properties in Table 1–3 and Table 1–4 to create your resources. Use the command scrgadm -x parameter-value to configure extension properties when you create your resource. Use the procedure in “Administering Data Service Resources” in Sun Cluster 3.1 Data Service Planning and Administration Guide to configure the extension properties if you have already created your resources. You can update some extension properties dynamically. You can update others, however, only when you create or disable a resource. The Tunable entries indicate when you can update each property. See Appendix A for details on all Sun Cluster properties.

How to Register and Configure Sun Cluster HA for Siebel as a Failover Data Service

Use this procedure to configure Sun Cluster HA for Siebel as a failover data service. This procedure assumes that you installed the data service packages during your initial Sun Cluster installation. If you did not install the Sun Cluster HA for Siebel packages as part of your initial Sun Cluster installation, see How to Install the Sun Cluster HA for Siebel Packages by Using the scinstall Utility to install the data service packages. Otherwise, use this procedure to configure the Sun Cluster HA for Siebel.

  1. Become superuser on one of the nodes in the cluster that hosts the application server.

  2. Add the resource type for the Siebel gateway.

    # scrgadm -a -t SUNW.sblgtwy
  3. Create a failover resource group to hold the logical hostname and the Siebel gateway resources.

    Note –

    If you have already created a resource group, added the logical hostname resource, and brought the resource group online when you completed the How to Prepare the Nodes procedure, you may skip to Step 6.

    # scrgadm -a -g gateway-rg [-h nodelist]
  4. Add the logical hostname resource.

    Ensure that logical hostname matches the value of the SIEBEL_GATEWAY environment variable that is set in the file of the Siebel gateway, and also the Siebel server installations.

    # scrgadm -a -L -g gateway-rg -l logical_hostname
  5. Bring the resource group online.

    # scswitch -Z -g gateway-rg
  6. Verify that file exists under gateway_root.

    The owner of this file launches the Siebel gateway server when the Siebel gateway resource is brought online.

  7. Create the Siebel gateway resource.

    # scrgadm -a -j sblgtwy-rs -g gateway-rg \
    -t SUNW.sblgtwy  \
    -x Confdir_list=gateway_root
  8. Enable the Siebel gateway resource.

    # scswitch -e -j sblgtwy-rs
  9. Verify that the Siebel resource group and the Siebel gateway resource are online by using scstat —g and ps —ef.

How to Register and Configure the Siebel Server

  1. Add the resource type for the Siebel server.

    # scrgadm -a -t SUNW.sblsrvr
  2. Create the failover resource group to hold the logical hostname and the Siebel server resources.

    Note –

    If you have already created a resource group, added the logical hostname resource, and brought the resource group online when you completed the How to Prepare the Nodes procedure, you may skip to Step 5.

    # scrgadm -a -g siebel-rg [-h nodelist]
  3. Add the logical hostname resource.

    This logical hostname should match the value of the HOST_NAME parameter for the Siebel server.

    # scrgadm -a -L -g siebel-rg -l logical-hostname
  4. Bring the resource group online.

    The following command brings the resource group online on the preferred node.

    # scswitch -Z -g siebel-rg
  5. Verify that the file is located under server_root.

  6. Create a file called scsblconfig under server_root , owned by the owner of

    If the Siebel server is installed locally, create the file scsblconfig under server_root on all nodes.

    For security reasons, make this file readable only by the owner.

    # cd server_root
    # touch scsblconfig
    # chown siebel:siebel scsblconfig
    # chmod 400 scsblconfig
  7. Select a database user (for example, dbuser/dbuserpassword) with permission to connect to the database for use by the Sun Cluster HA for Siebel Fault Monitor.

  8. Select another Siebel user (for example, sadmin/sadminpassword) with permission to run the compgrps command in srvrmgr.

  9. Add the following entries into the sbsblconfig file.

    export DBUSR=dbuser
    export DBPWD=dbuserpassword
    export SADMUSR=sadmin
    export SADMPWD=sadminpassword
  10. Create the Siebel server resource.

    # scrgadm -a -j sblsrvr-rs -g siebel-rg \
    -t SUNW.sblsrvr \
    -x Confdir_list=server_root \
    -x siebel_enterprise=siebel enterprise name \
    -x siebel_server=siebel server name

    Caution – Caution –

    If you enter incorrect values for siebel_enterprise or siebel_server, you may not see any errors during validation. However, resource startup will fail. If siebel_enterprise is incorrect, validate method will not be able to verify database connectivity, which will result in a warning only.

  11. Enable the Siebel server resource.

    # scswitch -e -j sblsrvr-rs
  12. Verify that the resource group and the Siebel server resource are online, by using scstat –g and ps –ef commands.