Sun Cluster Overview for Solaris OS

Storage Management

Multihost storage makes disks highly available by connecting the disks to multiple nodes. Multiple nodes enable multiple paths to access the data, if one path fails, another one is available to take its place.

Multihost disks enable the following cluster processes:

Volume Management Support

A volume manager enables you to manage large numbers of disks and the data on those disks. Volume managers can increase storage capacity and data availability by offering the following features:

Sun Cluster systems support the following volume managers:

Sun StorEdge Traffic Manager

Sun StorEdge Traffic Manager software is fully integrated starting with the Solaris Operating System 8 core I/O framework. Sun StorEdge Traffic Manager software enables you more effectively to represent and manage devices that are accessible through multiple I/O controller interfaces within a single instance of the Solaris operating environment. The Sun StorEdge Traffic Manager architecture enables the following:

Hardware Redundant Array of Independent Disks Support

Sun Cluster systems support the use of hardware Redundant Array of Independent Disks (RAID) and host-based software RAID. Hardware RAID uses the storage array's or storage system's hardware redundancy to ensure that independent hardware failures do not impact data availability. If you mirror across separate storage arrays, host-based software RAID ensures that independent hardware failures do not impact data availability when an entire storage array is offline. Although you can use hardware RAID and host-based software RAID concurrently, you need only one RAID solution to maintain a high degree of data availability.

File System Support

Because one of the inherent properties of clustered systems is shared resources, a cluster requires a file system that addresses the need for files to be shared coherently. The Sun Cluster file system enables users or applications to access any file on any node of the cluster by using the remote or local standard UNIX APIs. If an application is moved from one node to another node, no change is required for the application to access the same files. No changes need to be made to existing applications to fully utilize the cluster file system.