Sun Cluster Software Installation Guide for Solaris OS

How to Install Sun Cluster Software on a Single-Node Cluster

Perform this task to install Sun Cluster software and establish the cluster on a single node by using the scinstall command. See the scinstall(1M) man page for details.

Note –

You cannot use SunPlex Manager or the interactive form of the scinstall utility to install Sun Cluster software on a single-node cluster.

The scinstall -iFo command establishes the following defaults during installation:

Some steps that are required for multinode cluster installations are not necessary for single-node cluster installations. When you install a single-node cluster, you do not need to perform the following steps:

Tip –

If you anticipate eventually adding a second node to your cluster, you can configure the transport interconnect during initial cluster installation. The transport interconnect is then available for later use. See the scinstall(1M) man page for details.

You can later expand a single-node cluster into a multinode cluster by following the appropriate procedures provided in How to Configure Sun Cluster Software on Additional Cluster Nodes (scinstall).

  1. Ensure that the Solaris operating environment is installed to support Sun Cluster software.

    If Solaris software is already installed on the node, you must ensure that the Solaris installation meets the requirements for Sun Cluster software and any other software that you intend to install on the cluster. See How to Install Solaris Software for more information about installing Solaris software to meet Sun Cluster software requirements.

  2. Become superuser on the cluster node to install.

  3. Insert the Sun Java Enterprise System 2004Q2 2 of 2 CD-ROM into the CD-ROM drive of the node to install and configure.

    If the volume management daemon vold(1M) is running and configured to manage CD-ROM devices, the daemon automatically mounts the CD-ROM on the /cdrom/cdrom0 directory.

  4. From the /cdrom/cdrom0 directory, change to the Solaris_arch/Product/sun_cluster/Solaris_ver/Tools directory, where arch is sparc or x86 and where ver is 8 (for Solaris 8) or 9 (for Solaris 9) .

    The following example uses the path to the SPARC Solaris 8 version of Sun Cluster software.

    # cd /cdrom/cdrom0/Solaris_sparc/Product/sun_cluster/Solaris_8/Tools

  5. Install the Sun Cluster software and necessary patches by using the scinstall command.

    ./scinstall -iFo [-M patchdir=dirname]

    Specifies the install form of the scinstall command. The scinstall command installs Sun Cluster software and initializes the node as a new cluster.


    Establishes the node as the first node in a new cluster. All -F options can be used when installing a single-node cluster.


    Specifies that only one node is being installed for a single-node cluster. The -o option is only legal when used with both the -i and the -F forms of the command. When the -o option is used, cluster installation mode is preset to the disabled state.

    -M patchdir=dirname[[,patchlistfile=filename]]

    Specifies the path to patch information so that the specified patches can be installed by using the scinstall command. If you do not specify a patch-list file, the scinstall command installs all the patches in the directory dirname. This includes tarred, jarred, and zipped patches.

    The -M option is not required with the scinstall -iFo command. The -M option is shown in this procedure because the use of this option is the most efficient method of installing patches during a single-node cluster installation. However, you can use any method that you prefer to install patches.

  6. Reboot the node.

    This reboot after Sun Cluster software installation establishes the node as the cluster.

  7. (Optional) Change the cluster name.

    A single-node cluster is created with the same name as the cluster node. If you prefer, you can change the cluster name. Use either the scsetup utility or use the following scconf command:

    # /usr/cluster/bin/scconf -c -C cluster=newclustername

  8. Verify the installation by using the scstat command.

    # /usr/cluster/bin/scstat -n

    See the scstat(1M) man page for details.

  9. Ensure that cluster installation mode is disabled.

    # /usr/cluster/bin/scconf -pv | grep "install mode"
  10. SPARC: Do you intend to install VERITAS File System?

Example—Installing Sun Cluster Software on a Single-Node Cluster

The following example shows how to use the scinstall and scstat commands to install and verify a single-node cluster. The example includes installation of all patches. See the scinstall(1M) and scstat(1M) man pages for details.

# scinstall -iFo -M patchdir=/var/cluster/patches 

Checking device to use for global devices file system ... done
** Installing SunCluster 3.1 framework **
Installing patches ... done

Initializing cluster name to "phys-schost-1" ... done
Initializing authentication options ... done

Setting the node ID for "phys-schost-1" ... done (id=1)

Checking for global devices global file system ... done
Updating vfstab ... done

Verifying that "cluster" is set for "hosts" in nsswitch.conf ... done
Adding the "cluster" switch to "hosts" in nsswitch.conf ... done

Verifying that "cluster" is set for "netmasks" in nsswitch.conf ... done
Adding the "cluster" switch to "netmasks" in nsswitch.conf ... done

Verifying that power management is NOT configured ... done

Ensure that the EEPROM parameter "local-mac-address?" is set to "true" ... done

Ensure network routing is disabled ... done

Please reboot this machine.

# reboot
# scstat -n
-- Cluster Nodes --

                    Node name           Status
                    ---------           ------
  Cluster node:     phys-schost-1       Online
# scconf -pv | grep "install mode"
Cluster install mode:                   disabled