Sun Cluster 3.1 4/04 Release Notes for Solaris OS

Nodes Unable to Bring Up qfe Paths (4526883)

Problem Summary: Sometimes, private interconnect transport paths ending at a qfe adapter fail to come online.

Workaround: Follow the steps shown below:

  1. Using scstat -W, identify the adapter that is at fault. The output will show all transport paths with that adapter as one of the path endpoints in the faulted or the waiting states.

  2. Use scsetup to remove from the cluster configuration all the cables connected to that adapter.

  3. Use scsetup again to remove that adapter from the cluster configuration.

  4. Add back the adapter and the cables.

  5. Verify if the paths appear. If the problem persists, repeat steps 1–5 a few times.

  6. Verify if the paths appear. If the problem still persists, reboot the node with the at-fault adapter. Before the node is rebooted, make sure that the remaining cluster has enough quorum votes to survive the node reboot.